Interesting and Humour - page 3858


Oh, let's not do that!

Because there's a lot of 'man' talk about a lot of things.



В МВД объяснили применение газа в отделении, где содержатся задержанные, 12 июня
В МВД объяснили применение газа в отделении, где содержатся задержанные, 12 июня
  • 2017.06.19
  • Ведомости
В ГУ МВД по Петербургу и Ленинградской области прокомментировали сообщение о применение перцового газа к задержанным в ходе несанкционированной акции 12 июня. Ранее об этом сообщило издание «ОВД-инфо» со ссылкой на очевидцев и на собственные источники. Как отмечало издание, в одну из камер, где находился задержанный 12 июня мужчина, пустили...

I have a different point of view on this - it's not politics.

How is it easier to explain....

Look, they put the Reich's main war criminals (survivors) on the bench at Nuremberg in '45, and they all said they were not guilty of anything - the Führer gave the orders and they only followed them. And they couldn't say no - the Führer as a politician was chosen by the people and they obeyed his orders...

The Führer was the politician and they were just the doers. And the Führer was chosen by the people - that is the sacred thing, the will of the people.

Only Göring stood up to the end

100 quid an hour, and I'll think about it all for 1 hour.
For the second hour, 10% off.



3. Every prison has its own rules and violating them will result in punishment. In St. Petersburg a detainee "misbehaved" in his cell and was gassed in his cell in the pre-trial detention centre - cool! Fresh, original and tasteful

"In accordance with the law, police officers used a means of restraint on him" (c)

ps "...placed one in a cell for administrative detainees. After 15 minutes he began to behave inappropriately and tried to injure himself. In accordance with the law, police officers used means of restraint on him..." (c)

Andrew Petras:

"In accordance with the law, police officers used a means of restraint on him" (c)

3. Every prison has its own rules and breaking them will result in punishment. In St. Petersburg a detainee "misbehaved" in his cell and was gassed in his cell in the pre-trial detention centre - cool! Fresh, original and tasteful.

3.Every prison has its own rules and breaking them will result in punishment.In St. Petersburg a detainee "misbehaved" in his cell and was gassed in his cell at the pre-trial detention centre - cool! Fresh, original and tasteful!

3.Every prison has its own rules and their violation entails punishment.In St. Petersburg a detainee "misbehaved" in his cell and was gassed - cool! Fresh, original and tasteful


300 quid a pop!

Why don't we make fines?

For example, make me think... about Obama (for example) ... pay me 100 quid (I don't care who pays - Obama or the one who "makes me think").
Or about Abramovich (for example) ... If someone makes me think for free about Abramovich (he has a lot of money, but for some reason I have to think about him for good or bad) - click Complaint and get 100 quid.

Sergey Golubev:

I often use the search, and here I happened to look up posts by one author ...
I am far from thinking ... But ... the author of the posts - please do not be offended by the humour.

  • "... and all your friendly staff! I have a girl I know ..." (subject: Who's interested in Metaquotes history?)
  • "... I have a girl I know at the cash register, I say, it's the wrong amount, let's solve it quietly ..." (topic: imbalance of subscribers among signal providers)
  • "... I'm pushing the girl, - run for those houses ..." (topic: To the question of faith on a Friday night)
  • "... and really cries, the girls calm him down ..." (topic: Why don't MetaQuotes organise their DC?)
  • "... yesterday took a little walk with the girls ..." (topic: To the question of faith on Friday nights)
  • "... let's get two rats, a boy and a girl ..." (topic: Who or what sticks in the wheels)
  • "... And there's fun, girls ..." (topic: tips on how to "satisfy" the automatic signal security service)
  • "... there were girls everywhere by the underground ..." (topic: Expediency of meeting forum participants in Moscow)
  • "... some girls were crying ..." (topic: Happy Holidays to all!)
  • "... Nah, we are only interested in girls ..." (topic: Majorities on a tablet)
  • "... the girl is a decent programmer ..." (topic: Who's interested in Metaquotes history?)
  • "... always say hello and joke with the salesgirls ..." (topic: How many times did you manage to increase your deposit?)
  • "... and the girl in charge of the website plays with fonts..." (topic: How do you like the new design of the site?)
  • "... A girl came along and drew her ..." (topic: Why do you have to delete a thread on the English-speaking section?)


Good morning.

Yes, I'm not interested in boys, I'm not queer. That surprises Sergei ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yeah, I'm not interested in boys, I'm not queer. That surprises Sergei ))

I was kidding.
Just logging on to the portal in the morning, looking through your posts in English, then in search, then in Russian part, and happened to see all your posts in search. It was morning.


As one pensioner (I don't mean me or anyone) said on Let's Get Married - when he was asked to choose a bride: "I don't care, as long as the person is nice."


By the way, high testosterone says stop working out at the gym (where that level is used up).

Sergey Golubev:

I was joking.
Just logging on to the portal in the morning, looking through your posts in English, then in search, then in Russian part, and happened to see all your posts in search. It was morning.


As one pensioner (not me or anyone else) said on Let's Get Married - when he was asked to choose a bride: "I don't care as long as the person is nice."


By the way, high testosterone says stop working out at the gym (where that level is consumed).

Just signed up recently )).

Women at a free training course on infant care organised by a local union in Haikou. Hainan province, China

Women at a free training course on infant care organised by a local union in Haikou. Hainan province, China