Interesting and Humour - page 181


...and there were only five days left before the end of the election race. And then vladimir and dmitry anatolievich decided to combine badminton, skiing and fishing

There! I knew it!!! Lies all around!!!

...and he is


They even tried to stop it with their hands... - It didn't work!
They even tried to stop it with their hands... - it didn't work!

I'm telling you, lies win the day... vote or no vote... ...




Yes, in some respects the situation in the country is worse than it was after the war.

/Mischek, I accidentally edited your post. I'm sorry, I mixed up "Reply" and "Edit" - Mathemat/


The prime minister's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, has called blasphemous the claims that the story of preventing an assassination attempt on Putin was of an election nature. "It took time for all the preliminary checks, which unfortunately confirmed the seriousness, the danger that existed in relation to the prime minister," Peskov said.

What a laugh, what a sad laugh.

To send a couple or three "guys" to Odessa who have to "learn how to make bombs" in three months, while "in the process of self-training" something explodes in their rented flat, "large stocks of explosives were found in a burnt-out flat in Tiraspolskaya Street", one of them dies on the spot, the second runs away, and the third "has a laptop with a map of Odessa - several objects were marked on the map", because they planned to carry out "terrorist attacks" in Odessa and were not going to leave the city ( ).
The "escaped second" remains in Odessa, and when they "capture" him in his new flat, it turns out that he quietly continues his "self-education" and keeps plans and videos of Putin on his new computer (the "old" one is already in the hands of "law enforcers"). Which he studies.
And he is already going to Moscow in time for the elections, with "empty hands". He's going to dig out the explosives from a cache (laid in 2007 at a spot over which over the years a railway embankment was built and today there are already trains running to Vnukovo airport), buy the rest in a shop and make an "anti-aircraft mine" with it.
In the unfamiliar city of Moscow, for Caucasians, they'll "get lost in the crowd" and "kill Putin right after the election.
And as a "kamikaze" he should have a dead man burned in his first flat.
Then they should keep quiet about it from the first of January, and regale the astonished public with the daring disclosure of the "assassination attempt" 6 days before the Russian elections