Interesting and Humour - page 758

Right. We were looking for salt today. Only in the third shop)
I already bought a lot of them.)
And I've already bought, a lot of them))
Bury it?)
Bury it?)
Why? In the pantry and in the boots
Why? In the pantry and in the boots.
You've done your homework. You got an inflatable boat?
You've done your homework. Have you got an inflatable boat?
While we're thinking.
while we're thinking.
By the time you think about it, the stalls will be empty.
while we're thinking.
Everything has to be done in reverse. There is no need to buy anything. Why? To make it easier to run away from the End of the World! ))
It's the other way around. You don't have to buy anything. What for? To make it easier to escape the end of the world! ))

Run? Where to? What for?

There's a group coming up on facebook with a group party and a full breakaway. My wife and I are thinking of joining.


Run? Where to? What for?


О! It's the Great Mystery of the Universe! Nobody knows why, but something has to be done. ))



There's a group coming up on facebook that's got a group and a total breakaway. My wife and I are thinking about signing up.

No comment. ))