Interesting and Humour - page 83


Dennis Ritchie passed away on 8 October. The non-specialised media wrote (if they wrote) about him briefly: creator of the C programming language and one of the developers of the UNIX operating system.


You can't get comfortable at night, and in the morning, no matter how you go to bed, damn it, ....ENNO.
No matter what happens, Mum will always have one answer: "It's because you're on the computer a lot!
There's always an excuse for other people's successes.
You don't have to lift a stone from an unknown soul - what if kind people shut up the source of something bad for them?
Thank you people from Donbass
- You have a security hole.
- At least we have something safe!
The pigeons, when they see Nikolay Valuyev, tolerate him.
- What happens if you go to the polls wearing a T-shirt that says "Hutin - Pui!"?
- The dudes drink.
The good thing about being a boor is that it's never you.
Working as a conductor in Moscow, a resident of Mongolia still thinks he collects tribute from Russians.
It is monstrously unfair when you get what you deserve!
If you walk away from the problem now, it will come in the form of a problem later.
Seems our people's cup of patience has a hole in the bottom.
xxx: Man, the fridge went crazy and froze all the eggs((( And I was about to make myself an omelet.
yyy: defrost in the microwave.)
zzz: right! Quick and safe!
xxx: SUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great Russia! And there's nowhere to put the car...
Dogs running after cars are the souls of fired traffic cops.
If you write about sex at the beginning of a post, most people will read it to the end anyway, no matter what it's about.
In a shop, a girl got into a fight with a mannequin wearing the same sweatshirt and didn't make it out.
There is something inherently Russian about the phrase "crank mechanism", after all.
Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov never fills in the blanks. He simply bluntly steals the sample.
A well-mannered man will never say to you, "Go to...!" He'll say, "I need to consult with the Prime Minister.
To avoid appearing approachable, on the first date Natasha ate a banana with a spoon.



It's just a big deal... if she did the laundry, the ironing, the cooking, the shopping.


US, up to 20 years


It's common for me to read at this speed)))

Or rather, to have time to press Print Screen ...

Ukraine will ban loans to individuals in foreign currency in the coming days.
Ukraine will ban foreign currency lending to individuals in the coming days.
The situation seems to be getting worse.
Ukraine will ban foreign currency lending to individuals in the coming days.
That's okay, we'll be retrained as mathematicians and historians ;)