Interesting and Humour - page 4119


Wrong - it's spam, and it's so ... modified...

And why the Russian part is not spam, eh?
Why all the spam is in English?


Our spammer - but spams in English.
The Chinese spam in English!

That is, if a person can read the text in English, they will buy it.

So, we must delete all the language parts of the forum except for English, if they are so useless.
It's not my decision though ...

Sergey Golubev:

Wrong - it's spam, and it's so ... modified...

Why isn't the Russian part spammed, huh?
Why all the spam is in English?

Tell me -- what's so interesting about your post and where's the humor?

There's a thread where you post why aren't you "talking to yourself" there?

For example, I -- when I see "new post" in "interesting and humour" -- then I go there and look -- either your pictures (pure spam because of their endless number and dubious interest) -- or your "talking to yourself" about what's going on there in the English forum.

Do you find it interesting or funny what's going on in the anglo branch?

p.s. Dear Golubev -- stop littering the "interesting and humour" thread -- go somewhere from "interesting and humour" -- or really start posting on the subject of this thread.


I think there should be a thread where users can report on news from different parts of the forum.
For example, what's being discussed in the English part of the forum, in the Russian part, etc.
It's like being on different planets...

Sergey Golubev:

I think that there should be a forum for people to post news about the different parts of the forum.
For example, what's being discussed in the English part of the forum, in the Russian part, etc..
It's like being on different planets...

great -- go to a thread like this -- it would be very interesting.

Sergey Golubev:

I think there should be a thread where users report news from different parts of the forum.
For example, what's being discussed in English part of the forum, in Russian, etc.
It's like being on different planets...

And stop insulting users -- "user" -- from the word "serit".

And an ordinary computer user is a user --юзер.

You've already been told that several times.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Great -- go to a thread like this -- it'll be very interesting.

There is no such a branch yet.

I may open one in the English part.
For example,

  • there are some threads about neural networks, but only those who go to the russian part know about it;
  • In English there are several threads about spam (forming of offers for application to service desks), two top threads about "MT4 vs MT5", and also a thread about "Why past profitability of EA is not a proof of its future profitability, if EA is made by aglorythm, and market hasn't collapsed? but nobody knows about it here;
  • and so on.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

And stop insulting users -- "user" -- from the word "serit".

And an ordinary computer user is a user --юзер.

You've already been told that several times.

"User" is "loser" is "Counter-Strike.

No, the local slang is not suitable here (this is not a gaming site and there are no users).

If you don't like tracing it back to usher, you can apply it as user.

Sergey Golubev:

"User -- loser -- Counter-Strike.

No, the local slang is not suitable here (this is not a gaming site and there are no losers).

If you don't like the English word "usher " you can use " user".

So you write respectfully -- "user" -- and you with your slang are insulting, I explained it to you and gave you a link to the terminology dictionary -- take it into account, not impose your slang where it sounds insulting.

This is a Russian thread -- and use Russian terms, not dubious slang.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

You write respectfully -- "user" -- and you're insulting with your slang. I explained it to you and gave you a link to the terminology dictionary -- take it into account, not impose your slang where it sounds insulting.

This is a Russian thread -- use Russian terms, not dubious slang.

A user who uses a user's utility in a usable way, a user who uses a user's utility in a usable way.

No, I prefer usher.