Interesting and Humour - page 2335

Not me, that's for sure.
I took that down.

It won't... There is a user in the English section who does just that - you step away from the computer for a minute and there are already 3 pages of jokes (in a mixture of English and Indonesian). They've done everything they could to him - banned him, warned him... and he doesn't give a damn. If he is banned for a long time, he will check back in and start making jokes again. Now he's really started to post pictures (while posting India) ... ... also on many pages twice a day.

There's only patience ...

Stop paying for posts and he'll let go :)
there is no pay for this branch.
Dannunah... then what motivates these people?
Self-expression :)
Dannunah... then what motivates these people?
They don't know.
They don't know.

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, to the anals.

I don't remember a bowl being chosen this year...
I don't remember a bowl being chosen this year...

We did it without you ))))


We chose it without you)))

Oh, man... missed it again.