Interesting and Humour - page 31

Went deer hunting today. The bastard got away. It was a very cunning deer. Tomorrow, however, we will go to the bear.

1. Instead of an iPad 2, a Russian bought a set on eBay

2. A 17-year-old from Anhui province, China, sold the right

For the third iPad a Chinese will scrape together something, but after the fourth it is better not to look at him.


Water drunk by office workers to be taxed

Better to immediately introduce a tax on tears

We went for a deer today. The bastard got away. It was a very sly deer. Tomorrow, however, we will go to the bear.

Went fox hunting today. It turned out to be out of season. All had disappeared, although we met some tracks. Tomorrow, however, we'll go hunting bear.


From the forum... uh... on electromagnetic accelerators. The thread describes the EM gun, further from the author:



Regarding my gun on one of English-speaking sites (, I read many different comments about it. I found some of them funny and translated into Russian:

-Why is a Russian programmer making a gun? Or are they there in Soviet Russia developing deadly software?

-Maybe he's planning to come to a conference in the US and wants to be able to go back... He usually does software hacking and fears he might be detained here.

-Why is the link to his website not working? - And now the military is pulling all the information off the site.

-Russian programmer!? Looks like the Russians are arming themselves thoroughly. They've been screwing us all along. Don't you know these Russians?

-Yeah, his server must be bulletproof!

Eugene V.