Interesting and Humour - page 4644

Roman Shiredchenko:

pps this is a forum - programmers - not literary - exhibitionists... :-)

And not astronauts with pilots :)
A forum for superstitious programmers and traders.
Roman Shiredchenko:

it looks like you got what you wanted-- that was his latest posts here.

Reshetov didn't leave because I said "recent" about his posts.
This is nonsense... Medieval...
Shuddering after the word "Mufasa"

Speaking of astronauts

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Buy a hat with four visors to keep the noodles off your ears.

Here is his interview here in Russian -
Станислав Пучковский (Sean Archer) – Рецепт успеха
Станислав Пучковский (Sean Archer) – Рецепт успеха
  • 2020.02.21
Станислав Пучковский – фотограф из Екатеринбурга. Известен под псевдонимом Шон Арчер (Sean Archer). Номер 1 в рейтинге популярности крупнейшего фотосайта мира Всего за два года Станислав прошел путь от новичка в фотографии, который ни о технике, ни о параметрах съемки не знал абсолютно ничего, до признанного во всем мире мастера, чьи...
Sergey Golubev:

The posts in support of Dasha are multiplying in the English part - no kidding ("autobahn for quick job confirmation" is her version).


No Volchansky ...
So I can only go by photos ... about professional photographers.

In short, professional photographers used to sell their works (photos) through what they called "stock sites".
But suddenly (and recently) these sites banned nude photos ...
Many left ...
And many stayed ... and continued to make photos that are kind of nude, but their photos are not identified as nude on stockades for sale (and there - the machine).
That is to say - on the edge.

Completely flawed version. IMHO.

00.png  6 kb
Artyom Trishkin:
And not astronauts with pilots :)
Forum of superstitious programmers and traders.

I absolutely agree! :-)

Help me please in your "Any beginner's question..." ... even though I'm not a beginner at all, but for example with arrays they helped me - good, I had a big problem with my exp, including shift elastomer transfer during its replenishment - it was sorted out - good going on... Examples maybe just have not seen before on this matter ...


P.S. I am a physicist and programmer at the base (by basic education), so-so... :-)

PPS 2ALL - pardon the possible revelations and off-top here.

PPS And a real trader is always superstitious, IMHO.

Alexey Viktorov:

Completely flawed version. IMHO.

Hard to find there: 60 jobs closed (22 only in February, 3 in progress ...), customer at the same time autobahn, both wrote in the thread about help ...
Let the service sort it out.
Sergey Golubev:
Hard to find there: 60 jobs closed (22 only in February, 3 in progress ...), customer has autobahn at the same time, both wrote in the help thread .
Let the service sort it out.

Well, oh well...

Sergey Golubev:
It's hard to find: 60 jobs closed (22 just in February, 3 in progress ...), the customer has autobahn at the same time, both wrote in the thread about help ...
Let the service sort it out.

There will always be idols in this industry, because photographic equipment manufacturers need to sell it: " July 2014, Olympus came out to me and offered... " and then praises the Olympus lens. There's a video on YouTube where he talks about some event with Olympus and models.

And amazingly, he takes these photos in natural light, two indoors in complete darkness, with the door ajar, and no digital noise, which is caused by high ISO in that case... so everyone threw away the Canon and ran to buy an Olympus...


And here is a channel of a Canadian photographer who really shoots with only one camera with nothing and no one, but she actively shares her secrets. You can see that the ISO is very high, but it does not spoil it.

Irene Rudnyk
Irene Rudnyk
My name is Irene Rudnyk, i am a professional photographer from Calgary, Canada