Interesting and Humour - page 1591


Saved. Both of them.


my systemic understanding is that this kind of shift (antitrust) is bound to happen.

// this is in line with the slogan"let's take market makers away from banks!" ;)

And how do you personally, in your own words, understand price manipulation in forex. What exactly can be argued?
In your own words, how do you personally understand the price manipulation on the forex market? What exactly can be argued?

The charge could be a conspiracy (inter-bank) to steal money from other traders through inter-bank (corrupt) exchange of Level 3 data, and a shadowy coordinated planning of price shifts in the direction "against traders".


It is possible to charge a conspiracy (inter-bank) to take money from other traders, through inter-bank (corrupt) exchange of Level 3 data, and a shadowy coordinated planning of price shifts in the "anti-traders" direction.

Entire countries influence the market either openly or unobtrusively, but legally, by injecting money.

Those who have lost something in the process can sue until they are blue in the face.


in my systemic understanding - this kind of shift (antitrust) is bound to happen.

// this is on the theme of the slogan"let's take market making away from banks!" ;)

A couple or three years ago (I don't remember exactly) the Americans tried to crack down on Swiss banks for disclosing confidential data. Then there was some other big fuss... and then the course reversed. All of a sudden.

And now it's back to quid a franc again and getting less and less. The franc is aiming for 0.86, and somebody doesn't like that.

All in all, it's market manipulation, too. No more than that.

Upd: there was an intervention on the franc then, if anyone remembers. Now, very possibly, there is no risk to inject. Huh, how is that from a fundamentals point of view.


Entire countries influence the market either openly or unobtrusively, but legally, by injecting money.

Those who have lost something in the process can sue until they are blue in the face.

Anyone can influence prices (if they have enough money), but insider trading is a crime.