Interesting and Humour - page 4239


If a person is dark, i.e. has rejected light in order to live with darkness, then alcohol will kill him as he opens himself to the astral

And if he's light, it won't kill him and he can drink in any quantity? Fucking hell.
And if it's light, it won't kill you and you can drink as much as you like? What the hell.
If light-hearted, they just channel the energy of alcohol into good, so it's only good for everyone...
If the thoughts are bright, then the energy of alcohol is directed towards good, so it's good for everyone...
Let them all come home and tell their wives so))). Only sober, drunk will not work this theory and the one who is good for everyone will be left on the doormat for the night.
Well, let them all come home and tell their wives so))). Only sober, drunk this theory will not work and the beneficiary will be left to spend the night on the doormat.

If you drink for light thoughts and in moderation, there will be no intoxication and everything that goes along with it - the energy of alcohol will be spent and put to good use, rather than hitting the brain and the body...

getting drunk because of dark thoughts mainly as a form of self-destruction on the advice of the beasts...

And if it's light, it won't kill you and you can drink whatever amount you want? That's crazy.

I recently read in the news that some scientists found that 100 grams of vodka daily cleanses the brain of some toxins. And more than 100 grams increases the amount of toxins in the brain.

getting drunk because of dark thoughts mostly as a form of self-destruction on the advice of beasts of burden...

Getting drunk is usually because they don't snack enough.
Well, let them all come home and tell their wives so))). Only if you are sober, drunk this theory will not work and the one who is good for everyone will be left on the mat at the door.

You should drink with your wife. Then he won't leave her on the mat.
Alexandr Saprykin:

You should drink with your wife. Then he won't leave her on the mat.
Then they'll both be evicted soon for non-payment.
Then you will soon be evicted for non-payment of both.

It is definitely not worth using to that extent.

The engineer of the future: a programmer, a doctor and a bot trainer.

Инженер будущего: программист, врач и дрессировщик ботов
Инженер будущего: программист, врач и дрессировщик ботов
Простые разработчики и узкие специалисты скоро станут никому не нужны: программисты теперь должны иметь бэкграунд в классических профессиях. Разработчику программ для сельского хозяйства придется быть агрономом, а автору приложений для телемедицины — медиком...