Interesting and Humour - page 3134

Vladimir Zubov:
I'm by no means an interested party, I look at the PayPal situation objectively and simply advise to read the licence agreement and terms of use before ticking the 'I agree' box.
and not just read it, but understand what it says.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Apart from two basic questions:

1. Where did the soil go?

2. Where is the original footage of the moon landing?

There is another basic question:

3. Where did the Saturn-5 rocket that the Americans allegedly flew to the moon go?

The fact is that the characteristics of that rocket were not sufficient to fly and land on the moon. There is a calculation here.

Apart from this there is another consideration.

The Saturn-5 rocket belongs to the class of heavy rockets, which is quite different from other reaper rockets. Allegedly flying to the Moon in the 70's, today the Americans are buying RD-180 engines from us. All attempts to replace our engine with their own have been unsuccessful, as it has been lost. It is lost again. Moreover, with the help of Saturn-5 an American space station was launched that was many times larger than ours. But why did it exist for a short time, only three expeditions....

It seems to have been, or was in the picture, but today we know for sure that it was not, as engines are bought from us, the subject is highly politicized and they cannot make their own.

Was there a Saturn 5 or do we have to ask Kubrick again?

I remember that the americans had the shuttle, we had the Buran, and now there is nothing. and where did it all go?
Alexandr Saprykin:
I remember that the americans had the shuttle, we had the Buran, and now there is nothing. and where did it all go?

In 2002,the only Buran (product 1.01) that had ever flown into space was destroyedwhen the roof of the assembly and test building at Baikonur collapsed, where it had been stored together with finished copies of the Energia launch vehicle.

P.S. The good thing is that "Mriya" was preserved and flies up to now (after global reconstruction, all wiring, electronics and all six engines were replaced), by the way work is in progress at the Antonov Design Bureau to put "Mriya" on the conveyor; it is estimated that 40 aircraft of this kind are needed in the world.

Обрушение крыши монтажно-испытательного корпуса космодрома «Байконур» — Википедия
Обрушение кровли в трёх пролётах монтажно-испытательного корпуса (МИК) на площадке № 112 космодрома «Байконур» произошло 12 мая 2002 в 09:40 по местному времени[1]. В результате обвала крыши погибли 8 строителей, находившихся там и производивших её ремонт, а также были полностью разрушены единственный летавший в космос космический корабль...
Vladimir Zubov:

In 2002,the only Buran (product 1.01) that had ever flown into space was destroyedwhen the roof of the assembly and test building at Baikonur collapsed, where it had been stored together with finished copies of the Energia launch vehicle.

P.S. The good thing is that "Mriya" was preserved and flies up to now (after global reconstruction, all wiring, electronics and all six engines were replaced), by the way work is in progress at the Antonov Design Bureau to put "Mriya" on the conveyor; it is estimated that 40 aircraft of this kind are needed in the world.

yep. terrible, however.
Alexandr Saprykin:
Yeah. However, the horror.
By the way "Mria" carries in itself 20 tons of balast for compensation of design miscalculation, to provide optimal centre of gravity, shortcoming already set in design bureau of Antonov and if there will be a batch production load-carrying capacity will increase, and as new engines produced by "Motor Sich" are more economic and have more traction.
Alexandr Saprykin:
I remember the americans had the shuttle, we had the Buran, and now there is nothing. and where did it all go?
We gave up the Buran after the first flight. And the shuttle flew pretty much until 2011.
Alexey Busygin:
We gave up on the Buran after the first flight. And the shuttle flew pretty much until 2011.
I wonder, why did the americans give up the shuttles? Did they run out of money to maintain them?

Kazan Helicopter Plant (photo essay) >>>

Казанский вертолётный завод — производитель вертолетов семейства Ми-8/17, входящий в российский вертолетостроительный холдинг «Вертолеты России» госкорпорации «Ростех». Вертолеты российского производства, изготовленные в Казани, суммарно налетали более 50 миллионов летных часов по всему миру. За всю историю существования КВЗ более 12 000 вертолетов Ми-4, Ми-8, Ми-14, Ми-17, Ансат и их модификаций поставлено в 100 стран мира. 

Казанский вертолётный завод (фоторепортаж)
Казанский вертолётный завод (фоторепортаж)
После Зеленодольского судостроительного завода мы отправились смотреть Казанский вертолетный завод. В формате быстрой экскурсии трудно осветить всю работу предприятия. Обычно на такую съемку у меня уходит как минимум целый день. Но вот что успели посмотреть, то покажу.Казанский вертолётный завод — производитель вертолетов семейства Ми-8/17...

What you were given to take a picture of, you took a picture of. At such enterprises - don't look there, don't take a picture there....

I remember before the excursion to Kazan Sergeyevich Sergo Plant (POZIS) which produces fridges we were told that photos/video were not allowed, as they not only produce fridges but also some defence orders

Alexandr Saprykin:
I wonder why the americans gave up the shuttles? Did they run out of money to maintain them?