Interesting and Humour - page 3537

Server Muradasilov:

It's about time

Vladimir Karputov:

© Komsomolskaya Pravda "Catch the snowball! Photo: Vadim Trunov.

Is this a photoshop? Or unrealistically photographed like this?
Vladimir Gribachev:
Is it photoshopped? Or is it unrealistic?
These are real photos.
Vladimir Karputov:

Pictures are no longer enough - I am more and more convinced that a new type of communication is needed -> the forum should change to a different form of interactive help, something like a video stream. And in about five years even a video won't help, we need some kind of remote assistant with the rights to control the questioner's computer.

Just in the English part of such branches from the newcomers are a lot of December and January. And do not stop.
It will be the same in Russia - "fresh blood" (newbies), and there will be a lot of them, and they will be like I told above.

For example, how to explain a person - what is the difference between Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5, if he understands where the Market Watch is only by a picture with an arrow?

In the kit part we are already tired with newcomers, one just could not stand it anymore, and started to open branches with pictures.
His first branch is called"Tell me the difference between MT4 and MT5" ("MT5 is not an upgraded version of MT4...").
The second branch is"I'm about to teach you - how to add an EA to MT4" (a short post with a minimum of text with six pictures).

Vladimir Karputov:

Pictures are no longer enough - I am more and more convinced that a new type of communication is needed -> the forum should change to a different form of interactive help, something like a video stream. And in about five years even a video won't help, we need some kind of remote assistant with the rights to control the questioner's computer.

No, it won't work. It will work if our idea that newbies are such cool advanced guys who use YouTube and remote access etc. - turns out to be true.

But the opposite is true - most newbies (which is now in droves go to the UK for example) - not so cool, a lot of our basics do not know, they do not have time to read and understand the articles and complex from their point of view, posts on the forum.

It should be simpler ... The names of threads - simple and clear, posts - understandable, speech is short (it's possible rambling, but short), and it's better to just respond with a picture.
The best way to learn Zen is with the dongle. If someone asks a question about the market overview window, it's the kettle stick. There's no way around it.
Sergey Golubev:
No, it won't work. It will work if our idea that newbies are such cool advanced guys who use YouTube and remote access etc. - turns out to be true.

But the opposite is true - most newbies (which is now in droves go to the UK for example) - not so cool, a lot of our basics do not know, they do not have time to read and understand the articles and complex from their point of view, posts on the forum.

It should be simpler ... The names of threads - plain and simple, posts - understandable, speech is short (it's possible rambling, but short), and it's better to just respond with a picture.

You can also show a video for those who don't understand

Server Muradasilov:
they'll soon be talking to refrigerators:
-- what can I do for you?
-- hello, freezer, I'm hungry!
Alexey Volchanskiy:
A pond near the house, called an aquarium? 22 tonnes... Photo, please))
How sneaky, it's a trade secret, I have mermaids there. I am the only breeder of mermaids in Russia :-)