Interesting and Humour - page 434

I really don't get you right now.
I really don't get you right now.
Do you think it's a fake?
In decent society, the author of the video would have been kicked in his stupid, brainless face with his shoe.
In decent society, the author of the video would have been kicked in his stupid, brainless face.

for the same reason as journalists who write that "on the beaches of Crimea" drug addicts inject defenceless people with AIDS-infected syringes or make morons who burn cars into "vigilantes".

And a sick fantasy is not a sign of genius.

Bear, are you out of your mind? - it's not a joke.

for the same reason as journalists who write that "on the beaches of Crimea" drug addicts inject defenceless people with AIDS-infected syringes or make morons who burn cars into "vigilantes".

And a sick fantasy is no sign of genius.

This has nothing to do with journalists. It's about perception. The fact that we kill each other 30,000 alive people a year "by household chores" is perceived as normal (Russia, but the proportions are the same) and the fiction with the aliens is horror horror.


This has nothing to do with journalists. It's about perception. The fact that we kill each other 30,000 living people a year "by household chores" is perceived as normal (Russia, but the proportions are the same) but the fake aliens thing is horror horror horror.

Who is this"We"?

It's not the video, it's the message that got me.
"There are 96 dead in Kiev".

I went to the news to find out what happened to our brothers.



I went to the news to see what had happened to our brothers.

I didn't understand it at first either, until I watched the video. I thought it was real.

a fake video, with a preamble like that out of place.

Why would you write that?

Now I get it.

I'll take it off .