Interesting and Humour - page 2924

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Uh-huh, our Proton was upgraded, or the Union... He bought our rocket when the Soviets were selling out cheap, or he didn't... But the story goes back to that point.

That's the thing, he couldn't buy. He tried to buy some decommissioned strategic missiles from the RF, but they didn't agree on the price and Falcon is 100% his original design.

Why are you lying?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
yep, our proton was upgraded, or the Union... He bought our rocket when the Soviets were selling everything cheap, or not him... But in general the story started from that moment.

or proton... or the union... or him... or him...



enjoys reading

this one reads more sensually ))

girls have a new pastime or something))


That's the thing, he couldn't buy. He tried to buy some decommissioned strategic missiles from the Russian Federation, but they didn't agree on the price and Falcon is 100% his original design.

Why lie?

I just heard it somewhere. )
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Yeah, I heard a ringing somewhere, just... )

How to get rid of tinnitus >>>

Как избавиться от звона в ушах
Как избавиться от звона в ушах
Тиннитус – это фантомный или несуществующий шум: звон, гудение, рык, щелчки или свист, не имеющие внешнего источника. Распространенной причиной является повреждение слуха из-за другого шума, а также ушные инфекции, некоторые виды лекарств, высокое кровяное давление и пожилой возраст. [1] Иногда шум проходит сам по себе. В других случаях...
Sergey Golubev:
We should pick the uglier one - she's definitely a woman.

Choose one with natural breasts


I remember something, it's funny ) well at least to me, maybe I'm just stupid

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

this one reads more sensually )))

the girls have a new pastime or something))

They're competing to see who can read the most))

You betcha :)

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