Interesting and Humour - page 1006

That's a bit of a sexist elbow...
It's a wart that's bulging. On the elbow. Or a pimple, a big one.
It's a wart that's bulging. On the elbow. Or a pimple, a big one.
Well, maybe the blouse has been hanging on the rack for a long time and the fabric has warped. )))
tol64: Well, maybe the blouse has been hanging on the rack for a long time and the fabric has warped. )))
A decent lady wouldn't wear a blouse like that. She'll say she has nothing to wear.
That's not the kind of shirt a decent lady would wear. She'll say she has nothing to wear.

A woman says she has nothing to wear when she runs out of new clothes.
A man says he has nothing to wear when he runs out of clean clothes.



Dedicated to Muscovy and Peter:

If you think the first word is profane, please remove it quietly, preferably without sanctions.


There are a huge number of situations, things, or people in life that we are not happy with, and have been for a long time. For example:

- A relationship that has been a burden for a long time.

- A job that has been boring for a long time.

- A business which is making losses.

But for reasons unknown, we cling to the side of a sinking ship in the hope that it might sail one day, wasting our remaining nerves, time and money. There's a good metaphor about that.

The horse is dead - get down!

It would seem clear, but:

We talk ourselves into thinking there's still hope.

We beat the horse harder.

We say 'We've always galloped like this'.

We organise an event to revive dead horses.

We explain that our dead horse is much 'better, faster and cheaper'.

We organise a comparison of different dead horses.

We sit next to the horse and persuade it not to be dead.

We buy remedies that help it gallop faster on dead horses.

We change the criteria for identifying dead horses.

We visit other places to see how dead horses are galloped there.

We gather colleagues to analyse a dead horse.

We herd dead horses in the hope that together they will gallop faster.

We hire dead horse specialists.

But it's simple.

If a horse is dead, dismount.