Interesting and Humour - page 4110


What Marshal Chuikov said to the liberal Solzhenitsyn

I am the same age as the century, born in 1900. The son of a peasant in the village of Serebryanye Prudy, Tula province. My ancestors are farmers. Not because of the sweet life, at the age of 12, I had to leave my parental home for St. Petersburg to earn money and experience the exploitation of the capitalists. My last specialty is a locksmith in a spur shop.

I never thought of being a professional soldier. And if I had been drafted into the tsarist army, my highest rank ceiling would have been a soldier or sailor, like my four older brothers. But at the beginning of 1918, at the call of Lenin's party, I volunteered for the Red Army to defend my native Fatherland of workers and peasants. I have been a member of the Soviet Army for 56 years. I have the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union. I have been a communist since 1919. Member of the Civil War, from the age of 19 he commanded a regiment. He took part in many battles with the White Guards and interventionists on the Southern and Western fronts until the beginning of 1922. After the civil war until the Great Patriotic War, he also fought against those who wanted to test the power of our Armed Forces with a bayonet. When I read in Pravda that in our days there was a person who attributes the victory at Stalingrad to penal battalions, I could not believe my eyes.

I know that A. Solzhenitsyn is a Nobel Prize winner. I do not delve into what circumstances contributed to the assignment of this title to him. But the title of the Nobel Prize winner obliges a lot. In my opinion, it is incompatible with ignorance and lies.
In front of me on the table is a book called The Gulag Archipelago by A. Solzhenitsyn. I am not familiar with Solzhenitsyn, who, operating with fictitious "facts" (try to check them!), supplies the enemies of peace and progress with a stream of lies and slander against our Motherland and our people.

I cannot bear such slander. Slander on the army, which saved humanity from the brown plague and which deserved the gratitude of all the progressive people of the world.

Our army is the brainchild of our people. Insulting the army is the greatest crime against the people who gave birth and brought it up to protect it from enemies and enemies.

On page 90 of The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn writes: “This is how the active army was cleansed. But there was also a huge army inactive in the Far East and Mongolia. To keep this army from rusting was the noble task of the special departments. The heroes of Khalkhin Gol and Khasan began to loosen their tongues during inaction, especially since they were now allowed to study the Degtyarev machine guns and regimental mortars, which were still secret from their own soldiers. With such weapons in their hands, it was difficult for them to understand why we in the West were retreating.”

Do you, Solzhenitsyn, and your Western friends and bosses not know that the Far Eastern Army, which you call "inactive", after the civil war and intervention had to repulse the attack of enemies three times, who probed the power of our Red Army and the entire Soviet Union with bayonets? Have you forgotten the fighting on the Far Eastern borders in 1929, 1938 and 1939?

Solzhenitsyn betrays the aspirations of such Western and Eastern figures as Chamberlain, Daladier, Hoover, Chiang Kai-shek and others, who in the 30s climbed out of their skin, trying to set Japanese samurai against us and thereby satisfy the greedy appetites of imperialist Japan at the expense of the territories of the Soviet Union .

I know that in 1941 and 1942 the Japanese Kwantung Army twice deployed to our Far Eastern borders in full readiness for attack. The first time the Kwantung Army concentrated and deployed for an attack in the fall of 1941 during the Battle of Moscow. The defeat of the Nazis under the walls of our capital cooled the bellicose fervor of the samurai. They were forced to return their troops from the border to winter quarters.

The second time the same, but more reinforced, army prepared for an attack in the fall of 1942, when the battle was going on on the Volga, near the walls of Stalingrad. The Kwantung Army was waiting for the signal to attack.
The signal was to be the fall of Stalingrad.

And in this case, Stalingrad survived, and the Japanese military, having our Far Eastern Army in front of them and taught by the bitter experience of Khasan and Khalkhin Gol, did not dare to attack us and thereby open a second front against us in the East.

You, Solzhenitsyn, and your foreign bosses, apparently, would very much like the Soviet government and people to defend their Far Eastern borders with the non-aggression pact concluded with Japan in March 1941, which in the hands of the aggressors was no more than a piece of paper.

You are silent, you deliberately do not want to speak about the wisdom of the leadership of the Soviet government and the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, which, despite the intrigues of the imperialist governments, crushed the enemies one by one. First of all, they defeated the hordes of Hitler, Mussolini, Antonescu and others in the West, and then, fulfilling their allied obligations, dealt a crushing blow to the Kwantung Army in the Far East and thereby brought imperialist Japan to its knees.

I read further the story of Solzhenitsyn. On pages 91 and 92 I see: “In the same year, after failures near Kerch (120 thousand prisoners), near Kharkov (even more), during a major southern retreat to the Caucasus and the Volga, a very important flow of officers and soldiers was pumped , who did not want to stand to the death, and retreated without permission, the very ones to whom, according to the immortal Stalinist order No. 227, the Motherland cannot forgive its shame. This stream, however, did not reach the Gulag: hurriedly processed by the divisional tribunals, it was all chased into penal companies and disappeared without a trace in the red sand of the front line. It was the cement of the foundation of the Stalingrad victory. But he didn’t get into the all-Russian history, but remained in the private history of the sewerage system.

How could you, Solzhenitsyn, reach such blasphemy as to slander those who fought to the death and conquered death?! How much poisonous bile is needed in the heart and on the lips to attribute the victory to penal companies, which before and during the Battle of Stalingrad did not exist in nature. You viciously slander the Soviet Army and people before history and before all mankind.

Do you and your bosses really think that all the peoples of the world have forgotten how they followed the gigantic battle with bated breath, because its outcome answered the question: will the Nazis go further in their quest for world domination or will they be stopped and turned back?

The answer to this question was given by us, the people of Stalingrad. The Nazis did not pass. Their shock forces were crushed, because Lenin's party cemented us.

You do not like Stalin's order No. 227, which armed us, all the soldiers, for the merciless extermination of the enemy. But you do not know about the two previous decisions and orders of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. Now it is no longer a secret: on July 6, in order to withdraw the troops of the Southwestern Front from the threat of encirclement, the Headquarters decided to withdraw these troops to new positions. And when there was a threat of encirclement of the troops of the Southern Front, on July 15, the Headquarters ordered them to be withdrawn to the Don River.

Yes, we retreated, but we retreated on the orders of the Stavka and at the same time reinforced the most dangerous directions with our reserves. The withdrawal of our troops on the orders of the Headquarters on the Don turned the head of Hitler, his field marshals and generals so much that they already considered the Soviet Army defeated and threw the main forces into the Caucasus. But when they came to their senses and began to strengthen the Stalingrad direction, it was already too late. Stalingraders repelled more than 700 attacks by Hitler's elite troops, ground his people and equipment, and then inflicted a crushing defeat on all troops on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front. Do you not like Order No. 227? I know it. You have many like-minded people from the generals of the Wehrmacht in this matter. General Dörr in his work “The March on Stalingrad” on page 30 writes: “Stalin’s order was characterized by the style of presentation: a fatherly tone of address to the soldiers and the people ... No reproaches, no threats ... No empty promises ... It had an effect. Approximately from August 10, an increase in enemy resistance was noted in all sectors of the front.

In the same August, the commander of the 14th Panzer Corps, General von Wietersheim, reported to Paulus: “The formations of the Red Army are counterattacking, relying on the support of the entire population of Stalingrad ... On the battlefield, dead workers lie in their overalls, often clutching a rifle in stiff hands ... Dead men in work clothes froze, bending over the helm of the wrecked tank. We have never seen anything like it."

You, Solzhenitsyn, have erected a lie and inflicted a vile insult on those troops who have been applauded by the whole world, by all progressive mankind.

I will recall the words of such people who are honored by all mankind.
The “All-Russian Starosta,” as we lovingly called Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, wrote in his address to the heroes of Stalingrad: “During this period, you have ground many enemy divisions and equipment. But not only in this your achievements are expressed. The courage of the fighters and the skill of the commanders in repulsing the enemy made the enemy's initiative largely paralyzed in certain sectors of the front. This is the historical merit of the defenders of Stalingrad.

You deliberately forgot about the charter of US President Roosevelt, who wrote: “On behalf of the peoples of the United States of America, I present this charter to the city of Stalingrad to mark our admiration for its valiant defenders, whose courage, fortitude and selflessness during the siege from September 13, 1942 to January 31, 1943 will forever inspire the hearts of all free people. Their glorious victory stopped the wave of invasion and became a turning point in the war of the alliance of nations against the forces of aggression.

I confess that I am painfully experiencing the insult inflicted by you on us Stalingraders. I tell you because I survived two hundred fiery days and nights, all the time I was on the right bank of the Volga and in Stalingrad.

Maybe, in your opinion, I, as a penal, was appointed to command the 62nd Army, about the merits of which our newspaper Pravda wrote on November 25, 1942:
“The petition, which mentions the armies defending Stalingrad, emphasizes the special role of the 62nd Army, which repelled the main German attacks on Stalingrad, its commander, Lieutenant General Comrade Chuikov V.I. and his chief assistants Colonel Gorokhov, Major General Rodimtsev, Major General Guryev, Colonel Balvinov, Colonel Gurtyev, Colonel Saraev, Lieutenant Colonel Skvortsov and others, as well as gunners and pilots.

In your opinion, Solzhenitsyn, it turns out that the guard divisions of Rodimtsev, Guryev, Zholudev and others, which consisted of more than 50 percent of communists and Komsomol members, were "cemented" by penal companies?!

Was the sniper fighter Vasily Zaitsev, who killed about 300 Nazis and was the first to utter the words that inspired all the Stalingraders: “There is no land for us beyond the Volga,” was he a penalty box or “cemented” by the penalty box?

Is it possible that Sergeant Yakov Pavlov and the group of fighters of different nationalities led by him, who for 58 days and nights defended the house, which the Nazis never took, but put more corpses around this house than during the capture of the French capital of Paris, were these kind defenders of Stalingrad "cemented » penal companies?

Is it possible that Lyuba Nesterenko, dying, bleeding from a wound in her chest, had a bandage in her hands, and before her death she wanted to help her friend, bandage the wound, but did not have time - was she also “cemented” with fines or was she a fine?
Was the glorious son of the Spanish people Ruben Ibarruri a penalty box or "cemented" by the penalty box?

I could cite hundreds, thousands of examples of heroism and devotion of all Stalingraders to their people and Lenin's party. You, Solzhenitsyn, dared to mock these heroes, pouring out streams of lies and dirt on them.

I repeat again: during the period of the Stalingrad epic, there were no penal companies or other penal units in the Soviet Army. Among the fighters-Stalingraders there was not a single fighter of the penalty box. On behalf of the Stalingraders living and killed in battle, on behalf of their fathers and mothers, wives and children, I accuse you, A. Solzhenitsyn, as a dishonest liar and slanderer of the Stalingrad heroes, our army and our people. I am sure that this accusation will be supported by all Stalingraders. They will all call you a liar and a traitor.

If you want to be convinced of this, then go to Stalingrad, climb Mamaev Kurgan and look at the continuous flow of people, pilgrims from many countries, people of many nationalities, walking up the stairs to honor the memory of the heroes. And God forbid you declare that you are A. Solzhenitsyn!

Что сказал маршал Чуйков либералу Солженицину // ОПТИМИСТ
Я ровесник века, 1900 года рождения. Сын крестьянина села Серебряные Пруды Тульской губернии. Мои предки – землеробы. Не от сладкой жизни мне пришлось в 12 лет уехать из родительского дома в Питер на заработки и испытать эксплуатацию капиталистов. Моя последняя специальность – слесарь шпорной мастерской. Никогда не думал быть профессиональным...
Олег avtomat:


Where did the 70 million come from? Must be referring to the inhabitants of the occupied areas? Someone posted here yesterday about Thaler's awful capitalist manipulation technique)). Would have been a good example for his book.


The very first penal company appeared on 25 July 1942. The dates of the Battle of Stalingrad: August 23, 1942 - February 2, 1943. It's a pretty logical conclusion to draw...

Олег avtomat:

What Marshal Chuikov said to the liberal Solzhenitsyn

The marshal said too much (very good words, by the way), he should have just put the dissident on a stake and that was it.

Andrey Dik:

The marshal said too much (very good words, by the way), they should have just put the dissident on the stake and that was it.

Would he have felt joy and become happy about it?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Would you be happy about it?

That's not what you're asking, I personally don't care about the fact that Solzhenitsyn was put to the stake. Think better, what would it have done for the country, for society?
Server Muradasilov: (фото записки)
Nice picture. It's a real kicker :)
Vitaly Murlenko:
Nice picture. It really got to you :)


By the way, the German Nazis also had their own penalized soldiers, who were also thrown "into the grenade".


Andrey Dik:
That is not what you ask, I personally do not care about the fact that Solzhenitsyn was put to a stake. Think better, what would it have done for the country, for society?

Have you read it all carefully? Pay attention:

I read further Solzhenitsyn's narration. On pages 91 and 92 I see: "In the same year, after failures at Kerch (120 thousand prisoners), at Kharkov (even more), during a major southern retreat to the Caucasus and to the Volga, a very important flow of officers and soldiers who did not want to fight to the death and who retreated without permission, to whom, according to Stalin's immortal order ¹ 227, the Motherland cannot forgive its shame, was pumped. This flow, however, did not reach the Gulag: accelerated by the divisional tribunals, it was all chased to the penal companies and dissolved without a trace in the red sand of the front line. It was the cement of the foundation of the Stalingrad victory. But it did not make it into all-Russian history, but remained in the private history of the sewers".

How could you, Solzhenitsyn, come to such blasphemy, to slander those who stood to the death and defeated death! How much poisonous bile you have to have in your heart and on your lips to attribute the victory to the penalty companies, which did not exist before and during the Battle of Stalingrad. You maliciously slander the Soviet Army and people before history and before all mankind.

Now look at the end of the screenshot of Order 227:

Do you get the gimmick? Not to send prisoners from prisons or wherever to the penal colony, but just to find scapegoats.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Have you read everything carefully? Pay attention:

Now look at the end of the screenshot of Order 227:

Do you get the gimmick? Not to send prisoners from prisons or wherever to the penal battalions, but just to find scapegoats.

Who cares, you have to do the best you can to win.