Interesting and Humour - page 1982


The President of Belarus has assured that the loan to his country by the Russian Federation will not be simply wasted.

"We are the closest nations, the closest states in the world. There is no closer. Maybe, unfortunately. For us, it's a joy!" stressed Lukashenko.

He thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for the decision to provide the loan. Russia will lend two billion dollars to Belarus in 2014. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 25 December, ITAR-TASS reported.


I do not get it, why is he giving everyone money?

The Stabilization Fund is going to be embezzled. It's not that easy to withdraw there).
The Stabilization Fund is being used for embezzlement. It's not that easy to withdraw).
By the way, the cost of cash went up in December, after all these recalls.
What a bunch of people! You must have gotten bored on the fourth...
It did. As soon as a Belgian of Slavic origin got banned for English lessons. It happens :)

The President of Belarus has assured that the loan to his country by the Russian Federation will not be simply wasted.

"We are the closest nations, the closest states in the world. There is no closer. Maybe, unfortunately. It's a joy for us!" stressed Lukashenko.

He thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for the decision to provide the loan. Russia will lend two billion dollars to Belarus in 2014. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 25 December, ITAR-TASS reported.


I do not get it, why is he giving everyone money?

So it's the new year. So he gives presents to his colleagues. As for the people, they will endure and withstand everything, as usual.

Good morning

Drawing - Valery Zevatt

США: История родного края.
США: История родного края.
  • 2013.12.24
  • kitya
Я уже рассказывал эту шутку, но она мне так нравится, что не грех и повторить: Европа – это место где сто лет не срок, а Америка – место где 100 миль не расстояние. Что, соответственно, обозначает, что 100 лет в Америке – это очень-очень-очень давно, практически область археологии античности. Сейчас поясню на примере. В самом большом городе...
Немцы на рождественском базаре.
Немцы на рождественском базаре.
  • 2013.12.23
  • ochendaje
Если вы решили поехать в Германию в декабре, чтобы познакомиться с достопримечательностями, лучше не делайте этого! С начала декабря в Германии начинают работать…
Yes, women are like that. They become especially dangerous when shopping).
Yes, women are like that. They become especially dangerous when shopping.)

I wonder what accompanied this fight .


- We're shitting more.

- No, we're bigger.

- Shoo? We've been shitting from morning till night.

- Dummy, we live in a toilet.
