Interesting and Humour - page 159

Dear! This is the "Interesting and Humorous" thread - your horny and feeble-minded posts about feces and your friends "conchpipes" are totally uninteresting and out of place.
Dear, 1) since when do you look into this thread? 2) Since when does everyone have to look up to your sense of humour?
Dear Sir, 1) since when do you come to this thread? 2) Since when does everyone have to look up to your sense of humour?

He was just joking...



Happy Holidays, by the way.)


A girl speech therapist was raped and raped and raped last night in an alleyway by maniacs, but they didn't rape her.


Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov stole coral from Tanirbergen Berdongarov.


The hardest thing to forget is something that did not happen, but that you really wanted to.


"Life is too short for bad work"