Interesting and Humour - page 2761

Anatoli Kazharski:

If the value of the maximum time interval is equal to infinity, andassuming that the minimum time interval can be negative, respectively it will be equal to minus infinity, then we can assume that they are somewhere close together and are extensions of each other. If so, we can try angles as well. :)

And in general, the universe is fine. The concept of time is its idea after all, just like any other concept too. )))

There are no intervals of time, neither small nor large.)

there is a limit to our ability to compare one event to another.

again, the link to ourselves

in dreams, when the mind is switched off, there is no sense of time because there is nothing to be attached to.

Sometimes it feels like you slept a long time, sometimes not long,

sometimes in 15 minutes of reality it seems that an hour has passed, when the consciousness is disconnected (thinking about something, gone from reality), sometimes on the contrary: just have fallen asleep - already to wake up )

That is, when you are not tied to reality and have nothing to compare it with, everything is lost.

But how can you lose everything if you have it? )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

there are no time intervals, neither small nor large)

there is a limit to our ability to compare one event to another.

again, the attachment to ourselves.

In dreams, when the mind is switched off, there is no sense of time because there is nothing to be attached to.

Sometimes it feels like you slept a long time, sometimes it doesn't,

sometimes in 15 minutes of reality it seems that an hour has passed, when the consciousness is disconnected (thought about something, left the reality), sometimes on the contrary: just have fallen asleep - already to wake up ).

That is, when you are not tied to reality and have nothing to compare it with, everything is lost.

But how can you lose everything if you have it? )

Time is the duration of the flow of processes. If there is no process, there is no time. (I. Newton) shows the connection of past (P), present (H) and future (B) events within the development of a single process such that P+H+B=1 at any point in time from 0 to infinity. At the same time, in order to get a dimensionless parameter, "neutralizing" the concept of time, we had to introduce the concept of impedance of the system and to find an exact way of its evaluation, inverse to the concept of time. So, if time is some incomprehensible or difficultly perceived by our brain substance, then the concept of impedance of the system can be understood, comprehended and by inverse transition, I think, we can get closer to understanding of the concept of time. System impedance is the resistance of a system to the flow of a process. Now think how you can, based on this, beautifully, consonantly, and most importantly, understandably, formulate the concept of time! Good luck to all.

Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
  • 2011.02.07
  • Yousufkhodja Sultonov
Рыночная цена складывается в результате устойчивого равновесия между спросом и предложением, а те, в свою очередь, зависят от множества экономических, политических и психологических факторов. Непосредственный учет всех составляющих осложнен как различием природы, так и причиной воздействия этих факторов. На основании разработанной регрессионной модели в статье сделана попытка прогнозирования рыночной цены.
bliiiiiiiiiin... and here.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Time is the duration of processes. No process, no time. (I. Newton).

Does Newton say what is duration?

Any part of time can be stretched or compressed in different parts of the Universe, so that they will be equal in duration.

But it is not time that stretches/slows, but the process that "measures" it. Time may not be stretched.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

there are no time intervals, neither small nor large)

there is a limit to our ability to compare one event to another.

again, the attachment to ourselves.

When falling asleep, when consciousness shuts off, there is no sense of time because there is nothing to be attached to.

Sometimes it feels like a long sleep, sometimes it feels like a short sleep,

Sometimes in 15 minutes of reality it seems that an hour has passed, when the consciousness has turned off (you have thought about something, gone from reality), sometimes on the contrary: just have fallen asleep - already to wake up )

That is, when you are not tied to reality and have nothing to compare it with, everything is lost.

But how can you lose everything if you have it? )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

And Newton says what is duration?

Any segment of time can be stretched or squeezed in different parts of the Universe, so that they are equal in duration.

But it is not time that stretches/slows, but the process that "measures" it. Maybe time isn't stretched out.

If you turn off all the factors, nothing will work. There won't be anything left to operate on. See. )

There is no need for a sense of time in a dream. Perhaps consciousness in sleep is in a state where the maximum interval equals eternity, which equals that there is no time. But you need it for the one you have to wake up in a certain interval. This interval depends on the priorities that each of us supposedly sets for ourselves. Or maybe it's already laid down by the universe in the DNA or the neural structure of the brain. In general, it is either equal to the duration that is long enough for you to function normally upon awakening, or, if your priorities have changed, at an interval set before falling asleep.

Time is the 'flow' of life. The flow of events of the processes of the universe.

It is because the experience of the flow of life is unsteady and does not coincide with that of other objects endowed with consciousness and eager to interact with each other in sophisticated ways (creative process, thirst for discovery, etc.) that a system has been devised to synchronise itself with each other. And it proved to be an effective solution. The duration of the system's intervals is non-stationary, so sometimes it feels like everything gets lost. This is normal. You don't have to worry about that. ))

Time is a system whose interval durations are non-stationary and can range from infinity to minus infinity.

The feeling of losing everything is a side effect that is caused by the non-stationarity of the duration of the intervals between events in moments when you don't get what you expect. Or at moments when you will be forced to do something you don't want to do. That is to say, a side effect is manifested, when you deviate to the extreme, when something is strongly desired or not desired. But it's quite possible that it's not a side effect, but some kind of switching between different states, properties embedded in the universe that can help you to achieve your goals. All in all, it doesn't matter whether it actually exists or not. But, the truth of the matter is that it may or may not be there at the same time. Could it be some kind of third state?

Therefore, how can it be lost that which is and is not at the same time? After all, what is not there for you may be there for someone else. ;))

Her legs aren't long enough to ride a bike like that.

This Rottweiler, on the other hand, is better at it. )

Anatoli Kazharski:

OK, I'm out of beer.)

I'll think about it some more. ))

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

OK, I'm out of beer )

I'll ponder some more. ))

By the way, drinking alcohol can also cause that same side effect of feeling like you're losing everything. After all, clotted red blood cells slow down the flow in the brain capillaries and even temporarily suspend them or even rupture under pressure during arrest.

So there could be many causes. The universe is infinite in its diversity. )