Interesting and Humour - page 2154


No problem - I can remove them on complaint. I don't care about them ... it's just funny to find out they're hanging all over the street ... as a poster... ...and they sway in the wind... and you can see them from afar...

Steamboats sail by -hello Malchish!
Pilots fly by - say hello to Boychish ! see the biennale ad!
Steam trains go by - say hello to Boychish - see a biennale ad
And when the pioneers pass by - salute to Boychish! see a biennale advert!

Come on, no, don't delete it. Especially not to complain. What for? Beauty will save the world... Especially rippling ones :)
Why did you imagine the husband can't look at boobs?
Husband? He can. But how the wife will react is another question.
What makes you say that? That's bullshit!
Well, you didn't get it off your finger. I'll take care of it. Here are the links:
В Гвинее запретили есть летучих мышей
В Гвинее запретили есть летучих мышей
В Гвинее запретили есть летучих мышей. Мясо фруктовых летучих мышей (крыланов) здесь считается деликатесом и нередко используется в пищу. Вместе с тем эти животные, как и гориллы, лесные антилопы и другие, могут являться переносчиками опасных заболеваний. В настоящее время власти Гвинеи вынуждены запретить употреблять их в пищу из-за вспышки...
Well, you didn't get it off your finger. I'm responsible for what I said. Here are the links:
Bullshit and provocation or advertising
nonsense and provocation or advertising
Maybe delusion... or provocation... or advertising...
Let's wait to see what Dima Kiselyov has to say about it. He always tells the truth.
Maybe it's nonsense... or provocation... or publicity...
Let's wait to see what Dima Kiselyov has to say about it. He always tells the truth.
Do you believe it yourself?
didn't you noticethe news of 27 September 2012?
Do you really believe that?
Bullshit? Or in Dima?
Didn't you notice the news of 27 September 2012?
No. What's the news?