Interesting and Humour - page 4340

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Nah, the bathroom will be here, it used to be a hallway. Tossed the bathroom, will install a shower cubicle.

Remodelling the house is going on, so there's only one bedroom left in living condition.

I've only recently finished the renovation, the picture is familiar). I'm putting in the plumbing-electricals now. Still have a lot to buy and put up. In general, I plan to finish it before the New Year.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I've only recently finished a renovation, the picture is familiar). I'm installing the plumbing and electrics now. There are still a lot of things to buy and install. In general, I plan to finish by the New Year.

Holy crap, it's great that you reminded me, and I forgot to lay the wires to the hidden light. That's it, I'm going to chisel)

Sergey Golubev:
Mobile-TV, suitcase-mobile (mobile phone in suitcase handle), computer-game console ... an iron-TV yet to be seen, but it's probably already there.
And this is a washbasin urinal -

The latest craze for outdoor toilets.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

This is my workspace at the moment, and this is day three

Hopefully in a week it'll be over in the same room

How long has it been since you wiped?

What a programmer working late....


Vitaly Muzichenko:

This is my workspace at the moment, and this is day three

Hopefully in a week it'll be over in one room.

I've had an air conditioning unit installed and holes punched, it's been half a year and the coolers have squealed, maybe the housing dust has been sucked up, or maybe it's run out of shit.


After installing the A/C unit and punching holes, it took me half a year before the coolers kicked in, maybe the dust from the enclosures or maybe they ran out of crap.

The coolers that come in a box with the processor usually don't last long. I had one that stopped spinning after a week of continuous computer use. A dust is very good conductor of electricity, enough a small discharge of static electricity and you can close some of the electronic components of the motherboard. Some computers are even equipped with dust sensors. Also, large concentrations of dust explode very well, producing a very strong volumetric explosion.

В ГИБДД назвали официальную дату отмены знака «Шипы»
В ГИБДД назвали официальную дату отмены знака «Шипы»
  • 2018.11.30
Постановление правительства России с новыми поправками в Правила дорожного движения (ПДД), которыми, среди прочего, отменяется и обязанность устанавливать на автомобиль знак «Шипы», вступит в силу 8 декабря. Об этом 30 ноября сообщается на официальном сайте ГИБДД. В автоинспекции подтвердили, что данный предупреждающий знак потерял свою...
Yuriy Asaulenko:

From 8.12.18 the spike sign has been abolished.

No need for a motorbike either?


