Interesting and Humour - page 4149

It also seems to require its own operating system...
Nikolai Semko:

Yeah, slammed Babayan, Elbrus' father. Where's he working now? At Intel.

And by the way, he's anIntel Fellow. He was the first European to be awarded the title.

Yeah, I guess Babayan didn't like his homeland.

Or something else.
Denis Sartakov:

Yeah, it's obvious Babayan didn't love his homeland.

or anything.

There are patriots like Boris Babayan.
He simply walked around with his hand outstretched for a very long time to develop his brainchildren, and no one gave him money. Putin, among others, because he joined Intel in 2004. What we needed was several hundreds of millions of dollars, and we would have had happiness and a good chance for Russia to be ahead of the whole planet in the area of computers. But apparently exploration of new hydrocarbon fields was more important, and he did not want to spend the money on "stuff". He didn't want to move to Intel for a long time. But, surrenders me that everything is not so simple, because a part of his command stayed in Russia and somehow their business was on the upswing after Babayan's transfer to Intel. Isn't it his doing :)) ? It is only a hypothesis.

All the same. Where are the Elbruses going? China. And why is that? Not because it's cheaper there, that's the reason for America to produce them there. It's because we simply have no one there to produce them.

And no one is sharing technology with Russia right now.

В Якутии нашли два редчайших алмаза
В Якутии нашли два редчайших алмаза
ХАБАРОВСК, 2 фев — РИА Новости. Два крупных алмаза ювелирного качества массой 97,92 и 85,62 карата обнаружены в январе в Якутии, камни такой массы считаются крайне редкой находкой, сообщает добывающая компания "Алроса". "Алроса" в январе 2018 года добыла на трубке "Юбилейная" Айхальского горно-обогатительного комбината крупные алмазы ювелирного...

Let's not get bogged down in politics and discussion of the capabilities/disadvantages of this or that country's science. There are political resources for political discussion - there you go.

No one has abolished the rules, and Rashid's warning continues to apply:

Forum about trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

Interesting and Humorous

Rashid Umarov, 2017.08.07 14:28

Attention all members of the community!

Any posts with politics, which provoke the participants of the branch to mutual showdown and insults, will be banned for a week. This applies primarily to attacks/mockery on national and territorial grounds. Discussion of historical facts in favour of this or that country/people, under the guise of objectivity, will also be purged.

Anyone who joins in the discussion of such provocative posts will be banned, no matter what you write in response to such a post. We are forced to take such measures to maintain order in the thread.


Well, if discussing processor characteristics is politics...
Alexander Saprykin published a post that two large diamonds were found in Yakutia - quite a normal and moderately interesting post.
But what if someone publishes a similar post that for example a large diamond was found in South Africa, is it also politics?
And how is it consistent with the warning of the respected Rashid?

Aleksey Levashov:

Well, if discussing processor characteristics is politics...
Alexander Saprykin published a post that two large diamonds were found in Yakutia - quite a normal and moderately interesting post.
But what if someone publishes a similar post that for example a large diamond was found in South Africa, is it also politics?
And how is it consistent with the warning of the respected Rashid?

No eyes?
Artyom Trishkin:
No eyes?

I'm sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean, "no eyes"?

Aleksey Levashov:

I'm sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean by "no eyes"?

Well I can see that you wrote your own post without seeing the previous ones. There was an attempt to start a discussion about how minds are being clamped down in Russia. No?
However, I've had users of the resource Skype me asking about the normality of such posts.
But you write about something else - as if you have no eyes, and do not see. There is a picture above.

Sitting reading the news, the computer beeped with a text message, I read:

"There's a new letter in your mailbox".

Got up, got dressed, went downstairs, opened the mailbox..., nothing. Fooled again.