Interesting and Humour - page 3008

Sergey Golubev:
In the shop, everyone is so angry, they walk important as if through the Bolshoi Theatre, do not give way, in line at the cash register panting as if I am disrupting their lives ... all with their baskets full ... like the fucking elite...

Why are you so attached to capitalism?

Where do you see it?

France, Sweden...? There's a bigger social package than in the USSR...

IN THE US? Well, the new incarnation of Comrade Trotsky there has replaced the term "world revolution" with "globalization" and is pushing, pushing with the help of aircraft carriers ...

And everyone on the street is mean ... You go around everyone, God forbid you talk about something ... happy and angry...
And I'm not like that if I see it? miserable and kind?
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Why are you so attached to capitalism?

Where do you see it?

France, Sweden...? There's a bigger social package than in the USSR...

IN THE US? Well, the new incarnation of Comrade Trotsky there has replaced the term "world revolution" with "globalization" and is pushing, pushing with the help of aircraft carriers ...

All capitalist countries are forced to introduce welfare packages to mitigate the negative effects of the system, otherwise - revolution on the part of the majority, who do not understand the essence of development, is inevitable. It is difficult to explain to them that there is no other way of development like capitalism. The revolutionaries think that they can create a fairer society, but they find themselves in even more subtle ways of exploiting the majority of the population.
Sergey Golubev:
And everyone on the street is mean ... You go around everyone, God forbid you talk about something ... happy and angry...
And I'm not like that if I see it? Unhappy and kind?
No, if you are good, then you are happy. You just don't realize this fact.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
There was nothing wrong with feudalism either, at least as it was organised in our area. The peasant received 1/4 of all production in kind for his labour. Who gets such remuneration nowadays?
That's my point exactly. Feudalism is cool!

Can I be a feudal lord? Oh, please! I swear to be an honest, fair, principled, humane feudal lord!
I won't let the Rottenberg brothers, Kovalchuk, Timchenko and others like them to the trough, but I'll get them to work as peasants in my feudal-farming cooperative
And I will honestly pay them 1/4 of all the production in kind for their work. :-)
Pavel Gotkevitch:
That's what I'm saying. Feudalism is awesome!

Can I be a feudal lord? Oh, please! I swear to be an honest, fair, principled, humane feudal lord!
I won't let the Rottenberg brothers, Kovalchuk, Timchenko and the like go to the feeding trough, but I'll get them to work as peasants in my feudal-farming cooperative
And I will honestly pay them 1/4 of all the production in kind for their work. :-)
No one will appoint you a feudal lord. For that purpose, you should earn money by your own hard work to purchase land from another feudal lord, have circulating capital, be able to dispose of it properly and be an excellent manager so as not to go bankrupt. The people you mentioned will be able to do it, and envy is the worst thing that everyone has. Put out that feeling and channel the energy you have freed up into becoming equal to them.
Pavel Gotkevitch:
That's not very Russian...

A worshipper is someone who worships someone or something.

And you can worship, for example, the eternal flame, the matron of Moscow, the shroud...

P.S. You should treat your mother tongue with more respect.
You can worship the goldfish, or Putin
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
...and use the energy you've freed up to match them.
Nah, I can't keep up with them... I'm law-abiding and I'm used to making an honest living.
Pavel Gotkevitch:
That's what I'm saying. Feudalism is cool!

Can I be a feudal lord? Oh, please! I swear to be an honest, fair, principled, humane feudal lord!
I won't let the Rottenberg brothers, Kovalchuk, Timchenko and others like them to the trough, but I'll get them to work as peasants in my feudal-farming cooperative
And I will honestly pay them 1/4 of all the production in kind for their work. :-)

Be a feudal lord, who doesn't?

Or does "be a pikey's wish" prevent you from being a feudal lord?

Pavel Gotkevitch:
Nah, I'm not going to be able to keep up with them... I am a law-abiding person and I am used to earning honestly.
All those who earned more than you did not earn honestly?