Interesting and Humour - page 3741


Owls are not what they seem



Sukhoi SuperJet 100 признали страшным сном авиакомпаний
Sukhoi SuperJet 100 признали страшным сном авиакомпаний
  • Ридус
Судьба первого российского пассажирского самолета, разработанного после краха СССР, — Sukhoi SuperJet 100 (SSJ100), похоже, так и останется безрадостной. За все годы, которые самолет находится в эксплуатации, ни одна из использующих SSJ100 авиакомпаний так и не смогла добиться от него сколь-нибудь ощутимой экономической эффективности. По...
Aleksey Levashov:

Also on a musical theme.

2CELLOS - Thunderstruck [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
2CELLOS - Thunderstruck [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
  • 2014.02.18
  • From our new album Celloverse - out now! iTunes: Amazo...
2CELLOS - Highway To Hell feat. Steve Vai [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
2CELLOS - Highway To Hell feat. Steve Vai [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
  • 2013.08.07
Pre - 2CELLOSlive views 983.990 2CELLOS Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser performing Hig...
Олег avtomat:

Such are the grimaces of today's reality...

Oleg, please don't start a political debate. Removed it out of harm's way.
The boy
went joyfully,
and the baby decided:
"I will
do well,
and I won't do...

Moscow, 29 May 2017


Candles are melting
On the old parquet,
And the silver from his epaulettes
Silver from his epaulettes.
As the agony wanders...
Golden wine...
All that's gone, -
What will come, all the same.

And in death's languor
Looking back,
The deer run away,
"and they're about to fire a volley.
Someone's pointing a muzzle
On an innocent breast...
All that's past is gone
Let something come.

Somebody wicked and skillful,
With fun, at random.
Swings sharp arrows
Into the inflamed sunset.
In a storm of melodies
The repetition of notes...
All that's gone, -
Let come what will come.

©Vladimir Vysotsky386

How well it's written. And there are still people who don't think Vysotsky is a poet.

Владимир Высоцкий: цитаты, афоризмы, высказывания и мысли великих и умных людей
Владимир Высоцкий: цитаты, афоризмы, высказывания и мысли великих и умных людей
Владимир Высоцкий: цитаты, афоризмы, высказывания, мысли великих и умных людей на сайте

A good example of how you can fool a group of people who think they are clever and don't even allow the idea that they might be wrong).

A new teacher came to the class and found that one boy was being teased and called a fool. At recess, he asked the boys why they were calling him that.
- He really is a fool, teacher. If you give him a big five-rouble coin and a small ten-rouble coin, he'll choose the five because he thinks it's bigger. Here, look... The boy takes out two coins and offers the boy to choose. The boy, as usual, chooses five. The teacher asks in amazement:
- So why did you choose a five rouble coin and not a ten?
- Look, it's bigger, Mr. Teacher!
After the lesson, the teacher approaches the boy.
- Don't you realise that five roubles is bigger only in size,
but you can buy more with ten roubles?
- Of course I do, Mr. Teacher.
- So why do you choose five?
- Because if I choose ten, they will stop giving me money!

That's the way it is with DCs, you can't make too much money from them or they'll stop giving it to you).