Interesting and Humour - page 2905

Exulansis: The tendency to refuse to talk about the experience because people who have not experienced it cannot fully understand you.
Server Muradasilov:

Dear Client,

Please be informed that on February 04, 2016 from 01:00 to 02:00 MSK maintenance works will be carried out in MetaTrader 5 trading platform. For this reason, access to the MetaTrader 5 trading platform will be temporarily unavailable for 30 minutes. Please contact the Dealing Desk at ............ if you need to conduct trading operations.

I wonder what kind of work the Broker can do in MT5, who knows???

Maybe they decided to change the socket or add RAM to the server, the only question is why the system is not duplicated by several servers.... small broker
Bronebot, the final robots battle
Bronebot, the final robots battle
  • 2015.11.02
The final battle of the First International Robot Fight in Russia, Bronebot 2015
Alexandr Saprykin:
Not before a trade, but before an "all-depo trade"
Igor Volodin:
Not before a trade, but before an "all-depo trade"
After the all-depo trade so:
Их должны знать в лицо Переводчики эпохи VHS 90-х
Их должны знать в лицо Переводчики эпохи VHS 90-х
  • 2014.01.04
Переводчики VHS 90-х