Interesting and Humour - page 4728

Alexey Volchanskiy:

A real poster from the 1920s


Igor Zakharov:


If you've ever used a gas mask, you wouldn't mistake it for pants. That's how you position your hands to put on a gas mask.

And it's hardly the '20s of any century.))

Alexey Viktorov:

If you have ever used a gas mask, you would not mistake it for pants. That's how your hands should be positioned to put on a gas mask.

And it's hardly the 20th of any century.))

It's not about how you hold it, it's exactly how the gas mask is drawn.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

It's not about how it's held, it's about how the gas mask is drawn.

So there are some who might mistake the gas mask for pants. It's today's youth (are they?).

Nowadays such an event would be seen as an entertainment show, but in the 1930s the attitude to such actions was very different. The fact is that in the West new kinds of weapons, including chemical ones, were actively developed, and the questions of propaganda of chemical warfare, use of means of mass destruction of the population were widely covered in the pages of foreign editions. Therefore, the most serious measures aimed at preparation of the Soviet people for a possible chemical attack of a possible enemy were taken in the USSR, including the use of aviation, and the main hopes in this case were assigned by the Party and the Government to the Society of Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction Osoviakhim.

In 1934 Osoaviakhim developed standards of the complex "Ready for Chemical and Air Defence", and all over the country they held different public events, the main and constant attribute of which was a gas mask.

In October 1935 a large crowd of townspeople attended a military chemical competition on the norms of the complex in Minsk. To the amazement of everybody the victory was won by the 62 year old Ossoviachimov Peter Filippovich who, having exceeded the existing norms, put on the gas mask and gas mask suit not only faster than others but also performed a kilometre march wearing such outfit.

Under the motto "Do not want to be poisoned by gas - learn to wear a gas mask" on August 9, 1937 eleven workers of the Minsk garment factory "October", wearing gas masks and protective coveralls, went on a hike to Kiev.

In those years there were many such agitation journeys - on foot, on skis, on horseback or by car - in the USSR. They made a great start in 1935, when 15 men and 5 women of Panteleimonov plant named after Karl Marx, wearing Red army overcoats, with rifles and gas masks, walked 1,200 km from Stalino (now Donetsk) to Moscow in 25 days for the purpose of propaganda of PVCO complex. "All participants of the march were awarded the then newly established Order of the Badge of Honour for "promoting among the workers the tasks and means of anti-chemical defence".

Dmitry Fedoseev:

It's not about how it's held, that's where the gas mask is drawn.

So I only clarified it so that the reptiles wouldn't have any doubts. They're not Trishkin, they won't look for the original, they'll believe any nonsense.
Artyom Trishkin:

So there are some who might mistake the gas mask for pants. It's today's youth (are they?)


It's a good thing they cleaned it up.

Otherwise it was misleading with an incomprehensible picture.

Renat Akhtyamov:

It's a good thing they cleaned it up.

Or you were misled by an incomprehensible picture.

That "funny picture" is just a popular humour (stupid as hell).

But in order to avoid the emergence of "run after easy money" in the young minds of some contemporary participants in view of the holes in contemporary education, I still decided to make it clear. Otherwise, they will think that in the Soviet Union lived alone morons, as now it is fashionable, and for some reason necessary, to fill the heads of teenagers and young highly independent (of reason) creative "dudes" who live on mum's money.


Just what you need!

Denis Sartakov:

Just what you need!

and a drum to match, for the investigative experiment...