Interesting and Humour - page 4319

Renat Akhtyamov:

I'm just posting this just in case.

and your advice is also very relevant.

That's not my advice.)

Renat Akhtyamov:

Microsoft says the system will only prompt users to install the update on 9 October. And they are now verifying these file deletion details.

В Microsoft прокомментировали удаление файлов пользователей Windows 10
В Microsoft прокомментировали удаление файлов пользователей Windows 10
  • 'РИА Новости'
МОСКВА, 5 окт — РИА Новости. Специалисты Microsoft проверяют сведения об удалении файлов пользователей при обновлении операционной системы Windows 10, заявил изданию Business Insider представитель компании. Он также отметил, что система будет предлагать пользователям установить обновление только 9 октября. По его словам, пока на него переходят...
Sergey Savinkin:

Where's the most popular one:

"He who does not work, eats!" (c) "Operation Y and Other Adventures of Shurik".

Yeah, about Shurik, but the other one, from Ostap Bender:

- Big money, Shura, can only be stolen!

- and earn it?

- and to earn it, Shura, you can only make pains !


You're messing up with the type conversion, check the calculations: there are 365 days in a year, of which 233 are working days, working 10 hours a day, so a total of 2330 hours/24 ~ 100 full days a year is spent on work.

This text is taken from a Logic book. The calculation is simply humorous :)

Vitaly Murlenko:

This text is taken from a Logic textbook. The calculation is simply humorous :)

This is flower, we once solved (agonizing) tasks for a child in the preschool group, a child of a teacher of computer science. And I remember the problem of the wolf, for some reason it did not fit the concrete and the most delicious version: let the wolf on the skin, a goat on the barbecue and a boat on the coals for barbecue, cabbage on lettuce and sourdough. )))

(Iwonder how many people are willing to accept the Old Believers and deport them to Brazil:
Police officers have detained members of a group who were engaged in fraud in the Forex market. More than a thousand people have become victims of the fraudsters

Read more on RBC:

Here's the next news, a man sails 300 km to a district centre on a river in a boat in Siberia, and you are offered a ticket to Brazil (deportation is usually at the state's expense) and it turns out that he is not Onufry, but Khan))).

I wonder how many people are willing to embrace Old Believers and get deported to Brazil by boat, not by river, but by Plato. )))

Бразильца-старовера из Красноярского края депортируют на родину
Бразильца-старовера из Красноярского края депортируют на родину
Старовер Ханофер (Онуфрий) Ефимофф ли Кейрос, приехавший в 12-летнем возрасте с матерью в Сибирь в 1999 году из Бразилии, будет депортирован на родину. Об этом сообщает ТАСС со ссылкой на ...

all is well.



The heroes are victorious over the body. They have a soul bigger than their body, they have a spirit of invincibility... And they are heroes.

That's what Gastello and Matrosov were.


Sometimes they are smarter than that.


My little sister loves to cuddle a cat. He walks by and she yells, "Vasya!!!" and hugs him so hard that the poor guy's bones crack. And so, 7-8 times a day.Long cat suffered, very long (he scratched her a couple of times, but got it in the neck).

I come home today and observe the picture.

Vasya actively rubs himself on the carpet, he gets a terrible electric shock, he yells, but keeps rubbing. Then all disheveled, he goes and lies down on the chair. I thought my sister had completely flattened his brain. My sister comes in the room. Well, as usual, "Vasya!!!" and runs to him. The cat, who usually tries to flee, doesn't move. A second later, I realized why: my sister was so shocked, she rolled away from him. And you can not pick on him! After doing it eight more times, the cat got his life back. How the hell did he think of that?!

Alexander Ivanov:

I like this one better. A cut from another film.