Interesting and Humour - page 1777


But the oligarchs will not give up power themselves, that much is clear.

Don't get me involved in your business.
Don't get me involved in your business.

Well, we've done political work, you know that :)

SZZ or do you mind if I sign for you, it's time for you to work, I'll get money for you :)


The USSR (read Russia) anthem is "chizhik pyzhik where you were", but sung very slowly

It reminds me of a joke, especially the last phrase :))



I agree with Vasily: nobody will do anything for you! And your hopes for Europe are naive.

And in general, why do you think that someone owes you a better life! Do you have an independent country or not? Stop whining and betraying! Our grandfathers gave their lives for the freedom of the Motherland (including Ukraine), and what are you doing?


No matter how hard you work, as long as the results of your labour are appropriated by your uncles, your children will always be under the horse, like the poster from the last page.

The essence of today's confrontation is the change from oligarchic to middle class rule. That is why there is such an urge to go to Europe. In fact the agreement with the EU has been written out so that the oligarchs will be legally bent at the expense of the development of medium-sized businesses. And this is the change of government. But the oligarchs will not give up the power themselves, it is clear to everyone. That is why Yanukovych will never sign it, which is why he will be removed in a revolutionary way.

We have heard these fairy tales more than once for the naive suckers! The people, small and medium-sized businesses, the struggle of the proletariat against the oligarchy... - Do you really believe in these slogans? Your Maidan is just another redistribution between one group of oligarchy and another. In the end, as always, it will be the people who will be the most hurt and the most persecuted.
Don't get me involved in your business.


A little clearer about all this was said today by Kudrin, who incidentally - was born in Latvia.

Synopsis :

He was Finance Minister for a long time until Medvedev sacked him two years ago. It is said that Kudrin was - probably is - Putin's man. As Putin said a few days ago - Kudrin is in the expert community. That is - Putin does not want to quarrel with Medvedev over Kudrin, but in essence this is sort of a confirmation that Kudrin is Putin's man.


Kudrin: cooperation with the CU is more profitable for Kiev in the short term:

There are advantages and disadvantages for Ukraine in co-operation with the European Union, as well as in working with the Customs Union, but in the short term it would be more advantageous to choose the second option.

In the short term - five to 10 years - Ukraine is likely to lose by joining the EU, while in the long term it could gain

Кудрин: сотрудничество с ТС выгоднее Киеву в краткосрочной перспективе
Кудрин: сотрудничество с ТС выгоднее Киеву в краткосрочной перспективе
Правительство Украины приостановило подготовку к соглашению об ассоциации с Евросоюзом, которое изначально планировалось подписать на саммите "Восточного партнерства" 28-29 ноября. Кабинет министров мотивировал свое решение необходимостью развития экономических отношений с Россией и СНГ.
We've heard these fairy tales many times for the naive suckers! The people, small and medium-sized businesses, the struggle of the proletariat against the oligarchy... - Do you really believe in these slogans? Your Maidan is just another redistribution between one group of oligarchy and another. In the end, as always, the people will be the ones who suffer the most and get screwed over.
You are getting the situation a little wrong. Maybe the result will be a change of one family for another, but now the Maidan is a pure student and civil uprising, and by the way no one is paying them there. That's why the numbers are floating, because the people are working and going out to the Maidan in the evening.

Kudrin's opinion is now quoted on the Russian news on TV.

And, by the way, it makes it clear why Yanukovych has suspended the signing - he doesn't want the economic situation to worsen for 5-10 years, and it is also clear why he will push for EU membership after all - the benefits in the long run.

If Kudrin is Putin's man, it's probably his opinion too ...

It is understandable why Yanukovych wants a trilateral commission with Ukraine, Russia and the EU. It is understandable why the EU does not want a trilateral ... but it is not clear why Putin wants ... Russia does not want anything from Ukraine ... Russia does not want anything from Ukraine ... it will probably be a bargain between Russia and the EU ...

You are assessing the situation a bit wrong. Maybe the result will be a change of one family to another, but now the Maidan is a pure student and civil uprising, and by the way no one is paying them there. That is why the numbers are floating, because people are working and go out to the Maidan in the evening.

I would say fundamentally wrong, not a little.

There's Klitschko (with a European-type party that has no oligarchs but only middle class).

There is Tyahnybok with his ideological fighters (I have seen these people, they will really die but will stand their ground).

There are people whose interests are the same as above.

Those shares are not paid by oligarchs, and it is important. For all the money spent by our oligarchs on the stocks, we have to pick our pockets for a long time.

By the way, there was such a technology from the PR like Maidan without politicians (they understood that without ideological work Maidan will quickly deflate, so they tried to drum up people that Maidan was not a political action), but it failed, now Lviv Maidan has agreed with politicians to work together.