Interesting and Humour - page 4167

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Acknowledged! In summer I live alone, I really take out the rubbish once every 1-2 weeks. And now every day!

Where do you put it in the summer?

Alexandr Murzin:

Where do you put it in the summer?

In summer alone or with a heifer, I don't accumulate rubbish )). In winter, my mother comes for a visit and in a day the bucket is full of bags of milk, kefir, butter, sour cream and other rubbish.


just like that, from david dubninsky, which newspaper the woman reads - I don't know


What a bunch of broads, the humour of the highest order! "I'll poke your eye out - I'm the MP's wife..." (Airplane scandal).

"The deputy's wife" promised to poke out a passenger's eye on a Moscow-Beirut flight

"Жена депутата" пообещала выколоть глаз пассажирке рейса Москва-Бейрут
"Жена депутата" пообещала выколоть глаз пассажирке рейса Москва-Бейрут
Новое видео со скандалом на борту самолета появилось на канале Youtube. Очевидец снял на мобильный телефон ссору, которая произошла между двумя пассажирками рейса Москва-Бейрут. Одна из них истошно кричала: "Заткни свой рот поганый! Глаз выколю тебе! Сейчас приедешь в Ливан, я жена депутата, я тебе устрою там!" При этом, судя по говору, это...

Why not order a bitcoin stamping machine, like they do on the internet, and sell them to suckers! Now every other page has these coins on it, with a handsome man in a dinner jacket next to him. The suckers love it.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Why not order a bitcoin stamping machine, like they do on the internet, and sell them to suckers! Now every other page has these coins on it, with a handsome man in a dinner jacket next to him. The suckers love it.

Better draw 2000 notes. Not many people have seen them either:))))

c17h21no4 c17h22no4ci
it's an awesome trend these days
Alexey Viktorov:

Better draw notes of 2,000 each. Few people have seen them either :)))

By the way, I haven't seen it )) I'm 95% paying by card, though.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
c17h21no4 c17h22no4ci
it's a huge trend these days.

I don't get it, what's the crypto? the bitcoin is stomping around