Interesting and Humour - page 501

"Until it reaches your hands..." won't help. In that case, you will need to touch the tabletop with your forearm. For the saw, breaking the glove will touch your finger, and your finger will not touch the table because of the glove. Another pointless patent invention.

Another device came to mind, a simple Chinese electronic screwdriver tester, with touch buttons, still on sale in the "all goods for 10 rubles" department:

The buttons on it are touch-sensitive. They are only activated by touching the fingertips. No pressure is required at all. At the same time, it doesn't respond to contact with other objects. How they did it, I don't know, but the fact is you don't have to have a closed circuit with this screwdriver. It could be in the air and you could be standing on an electric insulator, wood or rubber, but the sensor will still work.



You theoretical storytellers. I don't think you've ever worked at a machine tool. You should never wear gloves to work at the loom. Any thread, any burr on them, any loose area of fabric can twist around a rotating disc or drill bit. The glove with your hand will begin to twist on the drill, or being caught by the burr will jerk your hand right under the cutting surface of the saw. As the glove will generally fit tightly around your hand, it will not be able to come off and pull your hand under the drill or saw. First you will break the entire hand and then tear out the veins. It is easier with a saw - it will simply cut off your glove along with the souvenir - your careless hand.

For the sake of experimentation, you can try touching the spinning drill bit of your home electric drill with your gloves. If your hand survives the experiment, believe me, no splinter will ever make you work with gloves on.

Interesting theory, quite reasonable, but better to refer to the "experience of our ancestors" - read the safety regulations when working at such machines.

when working on a circular saw


1.9 Employees must wear special clothing, special footwear and if necessary use other personal protective equipment.
1.10. In accordance with the standard regulations of the trade for free issue of special clothing and other personal protective equipment, the carpenter shall be provided with
cotton outfit;
combined gloves;
leather shoes.


2.1 Before starting work, a carpenter must:
2.1.1 Put on personal protective equipment, button up the cuffs of the suit sleeves.


ps. Sorry, that's rubbish... Turns out there are no clear safety rules here, like when working with electrical installations for example. For planers, milling machines work either with bare hands or with gloves, you can not wear gloves at all. In principle, you may wear gloves when operating a circular saw.


It would be interesting to see the experiment with gloves on. ))

In general, any such work should be thought of as being fully automated to the point where a person only presses the buttons on the keyboard, while being perfectly safe. ))

What a child's playground. What carpenter who owns a carpenter shop will go out of business because of some injury? He won't even pay compensation. He'll say he was drunk. Or a gross violation of health and safety.
That's childish. What kind of carpenter would voluntarily let a machine break down because of an injury? He won't even pay compensation. He'll say he was drunk. Or a gross violation of health and safety.
What the hell will he do? The union will decide, the ministry will order it
That's childish. What kind of carpenter would voluntarily let a machine break down because of an injury? He won't even pay compensation. He'll say he was drunk. Or a gross violation of health and safety.

There are all kinds of "joinery owners". In the next round of evolution, employers will be selected.

I'm sure Google's carpentry stores will have that kind of crap.

it should be where the finger is more valuable than the machine
Where's he going to go. The union will decide, the ministry will order it.
Naive. City of the Sun.
Naivnyak. City of the Sun.

Where do the outright gangster DCs go then?

And why does Service Desk work?

Evolution is stronger than your senile pessimism.