Interesting and Humour - page 1041


What does that mean?

Select "view" -> "view area", otherwise the error decoding is unclear.
Select "view" -> "view area", otherwise the error decoding is unclear.

there is a DESCRIPTION area, there is a tick there

no viewport is checked.


there is a DESCRIPTION area, there is a tick there

VIEWING area is not checked.

Then double-click on the event to see more details.

UPD: Misha, you'd better create a separate topic, which we'll delete later, because there's already so much rubbish in this one.


Then double-click on the event to see more details.

UPD: Mish, better create a separate thread, which we'll delete later, because there's so much rubbish in this one.

there's some nonsense in there))


Forget the beeper.

Nah, bullshit. Service not started because of an unstarted service error. It's at the start. Could be a symptom of a rashing broom, by the way.


UPD: Mish, better create a separate thread which we can delete later.

By the way yes


Find the overload (or time the next one) and look at the errors before it.


it's not much of a problem to start a thread, and tomorrow I'll leave it till the reboot.

and then there will be twenty posts in a new one about dust, and then it's all over again.


Tomorrow, after the bath, a change of underwear. The first platoon swaps with the third.

Man, this is gonna go on forever, forever, forever.