Interesting and Humour - page 4210


Globally, people's lives and perceptions are and will continue to change as manual drudgery is automated,

Automation will only lead to unemployment and extinction, especially in third world countries within the existing social structure and worldview...

If you do not know what to do with it then don't start with your own model ... It does not take much intelligence to criticize... The main difference between the two is that the profit is not the same, you don't know what would have happened without it or if mankind would have survived, so it's not so simple...

And there is no perfect model; everything can only be understood by trial and error,

When a system becomes obviously unsound, it must be discarded,

they used to believe in geocentrism and that was OK for a long time,

but then it became obvious that it wasn't good enough and it was replaced by a more adequate model,

it is the same with religions and ideologies - because a religion/ideology is no different from a mental model of any other kind,

if it consistently fails and does nothing to meet the needs - then it will be discarded,

quite similarly with testing trading systems,

If the TS worked in the past but is no longer working now, it is very stupid to continue trading on this TS...


Automation will only lead to unemployment and population extinction, especially in third world countries within the existing social structure and worldview...

Luddites used to say the same thing when they broke machines - this way of thinking leads to retrograde thinking and retards progress


Automation will only lead to unemployment and extinction, especially in third world countries with the current social structure and world view...

By the way, those who have done business process automation know that there will always be some guys who will stop the implementation process because they understand that their value in the process is decreasing

But they don't want to learn new skills or become more unique - it's easier for them to slow down the project.


1. with religions and ideologies - exactly the same - because a religion/ideology is no different from a mental model of any other kind,

if it consistently fails and does nothing to meet the needs - then it will be discarded,

2. quite similarly with testing trading systems,

If the TS worked in the past but has stopped working now, it is very stupid to continue trading on this TS...

1. Everything depends not on religion, but on the mindset of those who study it and practice it, as well as the sluggishness of thinking.

2. the same with TS - it all depends on the correctness of interpretation under the same initial conditions.


Luddites used to say the same thing when they broke cars - this way of thinking leads to retrograde thinking and stalls progress

I'm not saying we should break cars...

By the way, those who have done business process automation know that there will always be people who will slow down the implementation process because they understand that their value in the process is decreasing

But they don't want to learn new skills and increase their uniqueness - it's easier for them to stall the project

This is only because the social model of society is set up this way... If you take a positive model, the logic of behaviour is different...

It's not clear where these prophecies are coming from... Religions have a much greater potential for survival than all sorts of cultural and sports-historical organizations and their activists. It's kind of obvious, isn't it?

I have previously given examples of the disappearance of not only religions but also of entire civilisations.

It is impossible to look at the history short-sightedly through the prism of "today's" period only.

We must look both to the past and the future.

If religions had "much bigger survival potential" - we would still worship Osiris today...


If religions had "much greater survival potential" - we would still be worshipping Osiris now...

You are already worshipping Osiris, just under a different name...


If we are talking about a real experience of the divine world, then everyone can be synchronised without any external rules and meanings.

and again Russell's Kettle is more relevant than ever ...