Interesting and Humour - page 1044


Personally, I'm very happy for you, but overall it's a madhouse.

It's not crazy. It's legitimate.

Why buy unsupported green papers when you can buy independent bitcoins, which do not depreciate over time and are quite a means of payment?

A heavens for speculators :) Here is a picture of one bot:

Withdrawals are marked in red. You can multiply the left scale by 80 and it will be in quid :)

so all voltages are normal

Ripple may rise under load, but voltages will be normal (or watch with an oscilloscope).

Check with a known good one.


Tell me you didn't know that was going to happen! It's all been written and filmed in movies like world government and other crap for a long time.

I didn't believe it, but I didn't know it, I don't believe it.

In short, bitcoins will meet the fate of Cyprus. It is obvious to me. It is only a matter of time.

It's not a madhouse. It's legitimate.

Why buy unsupported green paper when you can buy independent bitcoins which do not depreciate over time and are in fact a means of payment?

Two mistakes at once
In short, bitcoins will meet the fate of Cyprus. It is obvious to me. It is just a matter of time.

Misha, you have to admit that you don't know the issue :)

Two mistakes at once

Fix it :) Write about what the quid are backed with, apart from a guarantee of a guarantor that the money is there.

And why the second highlighted error ) also write
In short, bitcoins will meet the fate of Cyprus. It's obvious to me. It's just a matter of time.

- Doctor, I ate the pizza with the package. Doctor, what's going to happen to me? Am I going to die?

- We're all going to die someday. Well, let's see your X-rays...

- God, everyone's going to die, what have I done... :)

Misha, come on, you don't know the question :)
Which one?

Misha, you have to admit that you don't know the issue :)

Fix it :) write down what the quid are backed up with, apart from a guarantee from a guarantor that it's money

And why the second highlighted error ) also write.
Well we have argued a hundred times. Time will tell.)

Why buy "nothing" backed by green papers (backed only by the most powerful army in the world),

when you can buy unsupported bits secured by the publisher's word of honour that they won't be printed.

We argued about it a hundred times. Time will tell.)

Yes, the last time was a year ago, when the bit was worth 7 quid and I offered you to invest and bet that it would grow, and well.

You wagged your finger at me and said it would break and that was the end of it.

One year has passed. The beater is alive, blooming and smelling. It will fall now only if something big breaks, or discredits the chain.