Interesting and Humour - page 3282

Nikolay Demko:

This discussion will end with the phrase: I see I will not be able to change your mind, so I will go straight to the insults :)

Getting old!

By opening this discussion I was hoping for answers from knowledgeable people, rather than people answering a question with a question, as that would make my poor head even more confused:)

Can anyone tell me if I should convert my roubles to dollars or euros now, should I expect another collapse of the rouble?

More precisely, should we wait for the elections in USA: either they will continue to whirl with their currency in a global scale, or they will start to deal with their country and spit upon the rest of the world. After the choice is made, concrete predictions can be made.
Vladimir Suschenko:
Why are thoughts turning only to one plane - how to redistribute the deficit that will not be enough money for everything? It reminds of an attempt to raise the level of fluid in a communicating vessel (and the pipes connecting the vessels are leaking at the seams, and the vessels are leaky in some places). It would not be more logical to direct thoughts towards eliminating leakages in a vessel system and finding additional sources of filling.
In simple terms - it is necessary to imprison (alternatively, the old German recipe:"a little to shoot and a little to inject") thieves and to increase gdp.

Corruption in the country is a systemic element (c) GDP.

As for the increase, you should first ask him if he wants to increase it or not, he may be fine.)

SZZ I also know how to make jokes.

СанСаныч Фоменко:
In details, then wait for the elections in the U.S.: or they will continue to whirl with their banknotes on a global scale, or they will start to deal with their country, spitting on the rest of the world. After the choice is made, concrete predictions can be made.

What the hell do we care? Whoever comes in, the outer notes will collapse and the inner ones will support.

By the way, it answers @khorosh's question, it is certainly stupid to keep money in wood, but you should not buy notes either (unless you keep them in an american bank), you have to look for something alternative. For example, to buy a factory, some land, machinery (something that can generate money).

Nikolay Demko:

What the hell do we care? Whoever comes in, the outer notes will collapse and the inner ones will support.

By the way, it answers @khorosh's question, it is certainly stupid to keep money in wood, but you should not buy notes either (unless you keep them in an american bank), you have to look for something alternative. For example, to buy a factory, land, machinery (something that can generate money).

At one well-known brokerage house... You can keep a deposit in gold (only four currencies: ruble, dollar and euro). А?
СанСаныч Фоменко:
At one well-known brokerage house... You can keep a deposit in gold (only four currencies: ruble, dollar and euro). А?

-- How are you doing?

- I'm good, I made 1,000 virtual dollars yesterday on forex.

-- virtual !!!!, man, I've never seen anything like it.

- Yeah, me neither.

If you don't have the money, there's no way you're gonna be able to get it back when there's a fuss. So potentially it's yours as long as it's OK.

It is not known if they are in gold or currency, or if it is just a calculation
Dmitry Fedoseev:
We don't know if it's in gold or currency or if it's just some kind of calculation.
No, of course not. The quotes are taken from the terminal. They can be taken in real money (for now, given the previous post).
Nikolay Demko:

-- How are you doing?

- I'm good, I made 1,000 virtual dollars yesterday on forex.

-- Virtual !!!! is crazy, I haven't even seen it before.

- Yeah, me neither.

If you don't have the money, there's no way you're gonna be able to get it back when there's a fuss. I mean, it's potentially yours as long as it's okay.

Only what's in your nightstand is called money. Everything else is assets and liabilities with some valuation.

Olga Yurievna Vasilieva has been appointed the new Minister of Education by presidential decree.

The range of professional interests of the new Minister of Education is very interesting, which is clear from the reference below.

Olga Yurievna Vasilyeva, professor of history, PhD in history. She was born in 1960. Her first education was in the conducting department of the Moscow State Institute of Culture, then she graduated from the History Department of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute and the International Relations Department of the Diplomatic Academy. 1987 through 1990 postgraduate studies at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1990 she defended her PhD thesis on "The Soviet state and the patriotic activity of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War". The doctoral thesis on a theme " Russian Orthodox Church in policy of the Soviet state in 1943-1948 " has protected in 1999. From 1991 till 2002 she worked as associate professor, senior researcher, head of the centre of History of religion and the Church of Institute of Russian history of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2002 up to now she has been the head of the department of RAS. Member of the Council for the preparation of programs for the course "National History" of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; member of the Commission for Religious Associations under the Government of the Russian Federation. Supervisor for more than 20 Ph. Author of about 150 scientific works in total volume of ca. Author of about250 scientific works, including 7 monographs.