Interesting and Humour - page 360

A very powerful sorcery.




I guess the hair is transparent :)
I guess the hair is transparent :)
No, that's what I thought too.

That's how Google translated it (from caboki's website). I was too lazy to correct it.

Why is it improved<br / translate="no">
Discover the science behind the best hair loss product on the market

Watch Caboki at work in our video, and it will look like magic. But Caboki's effectiveness and excellence is based firmly on science.

Let's take a look at the three main problems you'll face if you're using the conventional hair loss products on the market. We'll show you how Caboki turns their problems into benefits for you.

Problem one: brittle coatings

If you've been using any regular hair thickening products on the mass market, you've run into this problem: Go out into the wind, get caught in the rain, or just rest your head on a sofa or cushion. What happens? That unhealthy, shiny bald spot shows up again.

That's because a lot of the products have fallen out. They just couldn't hold on.

To 'solve' this problem, the instructions recommend buying them specifically with a bespoke spray gun (basically glue) to 'fix' the products. But spraying on glue doesn't solve the problem - it's a Mickey Mouse channel tape solution at best. And what's worse, spray-on glue leaves hair feeling stiff, sticky and completely unnatural.

The root cause of all this trouble is very simple: the natural bonding power between your products and your hair is very weak.

How Caboki solves the problem fundamentally

Did you know that conventional hair thickening products are made mainly from wool (sheep hair, positioned as a "keratin layer")? At first glance, wool might seem like the logical choice. After all, wool is hair.

And it's readily available all over the world.

But here's the problem: in one respect, wool is too similar to human hair.

Have you ever pulled a wool jumper off your head in the middle of winter and found your hair standing straight and unruly, like Einstein? Then you know the laws of attraction and repulsion: how charges repel and opposite charges attract.

Both human hair and hair carry a positive electrical charge, so they repel each other, and that's the main cause of the problem.

But conventional hair thickening products choose to ignore that little bit of basic science for convenience and cost savings. So they use hair that human hair - simply obeying the laws of physics - tries to bounce off, so the product falls off easily. That's why you should use them specifically on bespoke glue splatter to try and solve this problem.

We think it makes a lot more sense to work with science.

We use the laws of physics to our advantage by using raw materials called Moroccan Gossypium herbaceum. The fibres extracted from this plant, which are almost identical to hair, carry a negative charge, which means - again, simply obeying the laws of physics - it wants to bond with your hair (positively charged).

The result is 200% stronger than the bond with wool fibres. No messy splatter, no glue required.

Why It's Improved

Problem Two: The Blunt, Lifeless Look

There are two basic approaches to eliminating shedding or the look of hair loss:

1. Thinning of existing hair to enhance your hair volume, making the scalp invisible.

2. tinting your scalp to match your hair colour. This method does hide your scalp in thinning areas but does not increase the volume of your hair.

Experienced theatrical and Hollywood makeup artists will tell you that the first approach, thickening the existing hair, gives the most natural look. The second approach conceals heads, of course, but causes a dull, unnatural look.

The weak electrical bonds between wool fibres and human hair that we described just above? Well, which leads to a secondary problem.

Because wool fibres tend to be electrically repelled by human hair, most of the product will fall on heads when applied instead of clinging to existing hair as intended. So if you're using regular hair thickening products, and thickening hair, a lot of what you'll be applying will actually do nothing more than colour your scalp (the second approach mentioned above).

Do I think essentially spray dyeing your scalp will give you a shiny, natural look? Of course not. Your hair will look dull and lifeless.

But since Caboki bonds hair reliably to science rather than against it, Caboki will thicken your hair shafts and strengthen your hair volume. This will give you fuller, natural looking hair rather than a spray of stained scalp.

Problem Three: Discomfort

Conventional mass-market hair loss products are loaded with synthetic chemicals: dyes, preservatives and fillers. And as we've already noted, they use animal furs, like wool, as a source of their fibres.

All these lab-created chemicals can be cheap to produce. But, as mentioned above, they don't work very well. And what's worse, they can make you feel even more uncomfortable than just the frustration you'll feel when you look in the mirror.

Many users of these products report problems with itching and rashes.

In contrast Caboki uses all-natural ingredients: plant fibres and natural mineral dyes. And our formulation has been granted registration with the FDA (registration number F1091011).

That's how Google translated it (from caboki's website). I was too lazy to correct it.

oh yeah !


eye opener


Composition "Slave on the Galleys. On the Way to Stability"