Interesting and Humour - page 3520

Vitalie Postolache:

It's cold. Or overdrinking, hungover (:

It's the barrier of the unhopped man-
Alexey Volchanskiy:

As I expected, after the anans AMD Intel has opened the riddles
Note the prices!!!

imho the old 2600k from 2011 year - for home use will be faster and much easier than these novelties as it easily races to 5.5 GHz - when in the new models with the claimed 4.5 usually means that it's difficult to get even 4.3 for all cores ... since 4.5 is the miracle peak of one core - if the rest are at idle it's if you take a cooler within 10k rpm...
Астрономы локализовали источник загадочных "радиосигналов инопланетян"
Астрономы локализовали источник загадочных "радиосигналов инопланетян"
МОСКВА, 4 янв – РИА Новости. Необычные повторяющиеся радиовспышки в созвездии Возничего, которые некоторые ученые считают сигналами инопланетного происхождения, возникают не в Млечном Пути, а в галактике в нескольких сотнях миллионов световых лет от Земли, говорится в статье, опубликованной в журнале Nature. "Даже не имея понятия, чем они все...
Китайская корпорация ZTE разработала смартфон, управляемый глазом
Китайская корпорация ZTE разработала смартфон, управляемый глазом
ПЕКИН, 5 января. /Корр. ТАСС Николай Селищев/. Второй крупнейший производитель смартфонов и телекоммуникационного оборудования в Китае компания ZTE объявила об успешной разработке смартфона, подчиняющегося командам, которые пользователь отдает путем движения глазного зрачка. Об этом в четверг сообщил информационный портал . Как объяснили в...

This is the kind of software we have seen ...................

1980s, Moscow-Leningrad train. Three men are sitting in the compartment, one of them is reading

a newspaper, two of them are telling political jokes. The first listened and listened, then

got out of the compartment, approached the conductor and said:

- Listen, father, can you arrange three teas for the fifth compartment?

- Of course!

- Just bring them, please, in exactly 10 minutes, okay?

- What a conversation!

The man goes back to the compartment, and after nine minutes he says to his companions:

- "Guys, you're telling jokes for nothing, the KGB is listening to everything here.

They tell him:

- "Come on, it's all nonsense.

- No, seriously the KGB listens to everything. Watch this.

(Clicks his fingers and says)

- Comrade Major, three teas, please!

The door opens and the conductor brings in three teas. The travelling companions look up,

shut up, drink the tea, and go to sleep.

In the morning, the man wakes up, but there are no companions. He goes to the conductor

and asks:

- Where did my travelling companions go?

- The KGB arrested them at night for telling jokes.

Man (in horror): - And why did they leave me???

- And Comrade Major really liked the tea joke


A demonstration by MMM depositors. Moscow 1994.


Thought it was a joke, clicked the link, but no :)


Singhs ??? mercury lamps ??? Immortality rate of at least 999.9%

The owner of the restaurant to the barman:
- Today we make this cocktail: 5 grams of vodka per 100 litres of water...
- Is the asylum going out?
- Shh... Homeopaths are having a party!