Interesting and Humour - page 4423

Aleksey Levashov:
Moderators, what is your opinion?

A keen sense of justice?
Vitaly Murlenko:

Where do you get these pictures?

My wife and I had a hearty laugh.

Thank you!

Aleksey Levashov:
Moderators, what do you think?

Apparently, the moderators have a Rochschild age too

Renat Akhtyamov:

Where do you get these pictures?

My wife and I had a hearty laugh.

Thank you!

You can do better than that with simple photoshop. It's pure rubbish.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Where do you get these pictures?

My wife and I had a hearty laugh.

Oh, thank you.

Classmates, where else. It's the only place with such sparkling humor.

Hmmm... usually the less successful ones envy the more successful ones and wish them dead... especially if it's reinforced by class feelings... it's quite often the case...
My wife dug it up on the Internet. About the photoshop thing, yes and no. Most likely these are real photos of shop receipts and price tags - this is how the management offends the programmer, he takes and makes changes in the shop's database. Then it is clear - the program prints the wonderful receipts and price tags, people are laughing at the shop, the programmer feels vindicated. People I know have physically received receipts like this.
Hmmm... usually the less successful ones envy the more successful ones and wish them dead... especially if it's reinforced by class feelings... that's quite often the case...

Envy is normal. Wishing someone's death is not quite normal, but humanly understandable. Wishing someone's death in public is not human.

Hmmm... usually the less successful ones envy the more successful ones and wish them dead... especially if it's reinforced by class feelings... this is quite often the case...

Success - for example B. Gates, S. Jobs, D. Bezos and many others, these are the people I admire!
Success through blood and managing other people's fortunes - should be a shame.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Success - for example B. Gates, S. Jobs, D. Bezos and many others, these are the people I admire!
Success through blood and managing other people's destinies should be a shame.


It is anti-humanity, a crime.