Interesting and Humour - page 615


The states vinnie is a salesperson, donkey is a rainbow analyst, tigra is an investment adviser, bear is a bear, heel is a regulator.

Question on a cookery forum: "Should you add butter to black caviar tarts for breakfast?"
Comment: "Damn you!"

Quite right, these "pussies" have nothing better to do. Take them to smelters, to mines, to uranium mines. Then they will change the name of their band to something more decent, like"Milkers Riot".


- Vasil Ivanovich, I've decided to join an artillery regiment.
- You're a fool, Petya: they give you a horse and a saddle and a sword here, and what's there?
- And there you get a kickback for every shot...
Cats, like women, like ears. Otherwise, cats wouldn't yell like that.

at the end of the article:

It is noteworthy that at different times these plants were headed by the same person, Yevgeny Shkolov, who was recently appointed head of the presidential commission on citizenship.

Shkolov had previously served as deputy head of the Interior Ministry, from which he was dismissed because of his involvement in a crackdown on the Russian chemical corporation Togliattiazot. "Novaya Gazeta wrote that Shkolov's actions launched the second raid on the enterprise, and he was given "the role of supervisor of the raid at the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs".

A couple bought a robot educator with a built-in lie detector and decided to try it out. Their son had just come home from school.
- Where have you been? - the father asked.
- I was at school," he replied.
The robot gave him a smack in the face.
- Aha! - The father said in a satisfied voice. - Now tell the truth!
- Well... me and my friends were watching a porno...
- 'You see,' said the father, giving his son another slap,
- "Parents should always tell the truth! I, for example, have never lied to my parents!
The robot comes up to his father and gives him two slaps, so that he could hardly stand on his feet.
The mother, rolling with laughter, remarks:
- Be nice to him, he is, after all, YOUR son!
The robot silently punches her in the jaw...