Interesting and Humour - page 4137

СанСаныч Фоменко:

... Watch...

It's better to watch with the 'Cube in the Cube' voiceover. The LostFilm version doesn't fit the atmosphere - unnatural voices from sitcoms. IMHO, of course.


And here's another from the series: new is well forgotten old).



Yuriy Asaulenko:

And here's another from the series: new is well forgotten old).

It's not something you forget. But thanks for the link. I copied the disk to a flash drive and occasionally turn it on in the car. I don't have a lot of video...

But the most, the most

On December 15 they gave as much as 8, apparently for dumping the industry, but you can't ask for a measly 2, so why knock down established prices like that. Apparently they were punished for that, protecting a corrupt market.

Perhaps I chose the wrong specialisation, I should have gone into law enforcement, like Colonel Zakharchenko, to specialise in the fight against corruption.

What a posh biography, a gold-medal school, three university degrees, a low rank and modest cars.

It seems to me that he will easily make another nine billion if he gives master classes.


Interesting and humorous

Aleksey Levashov:

this is the bomb ))))))

Bitcoin miners.

One day a trader appeared in a village and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys from them for $10. The villagers, seeing how many monkeys there were in the jungle, abandoned their plots and started catching monkeys. The trader bought thousands of monkeys for $10, but the number of monkeys began to dwindle and it became increasingly difficult to catch them.
So the trader raised the reward for each monkey to $20. Once again, people started catching monkeys. Soon the food in the village became scarce and the villagers slowly returned to their fields. The trader raised the price to $50. However, he had to leave for town on his own business and left an assistant in his place.
The helper called all the villagers together and offered them a bargain: Look at all these cages with thousands of monkeys that you have already captured. I am willing to sell them to you for only $35 and when the trader returns, you will sell them to him for $50 apiece!
The villagers thought and counted and then they pooled their savings, ran up debts and bought up all the monkeys for 700 billion dollars. After that, they never saw the salesman and his assistant again. But they were left with huge debts and monkeys they didn't need.
That's all you need to know about bitcoins.