Interesting and Humour - page 1805

Bohdan Yaremenko, Consul General of Ukraine in Istanbul: About the Golden Eagle
30 November 2013, 14:27
I cannot make political statements. So I will speak about the Berkut.

I will write it in Russian because they claim that the Maidan was dispersed by units from Crimea or Luhansk, where Ukrainians are not understood and do not like Ukrainians. That way, there is probably a better chance that this text will be read by those to whom I am addressing. And I want to address the commander or commanders of the police units that broke up the peaceful protest.

The available descriptions, photos and videos of night events show that the peaceful demonstration was not dispersed, but liquidated, destroyed, previously surrounding and depriving peaceful civilians of the opportunity to escape.
This is how the punishers and occupiers acted. That is how the fascists acted.

Using these tactics and inexplicable cruelty you have disgraced the memory of your fathers and grandfathers, you have lowered the honour of an officer, you have humiliated the law enforcement agencies, the entire Ukrainian government. You have driven a wedge, caused a wave of hatred between the citizens and the authorities, thus greatly complicating the situation in the country, letting down your commanders, making the political future of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief very difficult.

Every one of us can make a mistake. But not every shame can be washed away without blood.
I am aware that the command staff of the Berkut units were issued with service-issue weapons before their deployment to Kiev.
Use it correctly!
Bohdan Yaremenko, Consul General of Ukraine in Istanbul: About the Golden Eagle
30 November 2013, 14:27
I cannot make political statements. So I will speak about the Berkut.

I will write it in Russian because they claim that the Maidan was dispersed by units from Crimea or Luhansk, where Ukrainians are not understood and do not like Ukrainians. That way, there is probably a better chance that this text will be read by those to whom I am addressing. And I want to address the commander or commanders of the police units that broke up the peaceful protest.

The available descriptions, photos and videos of night events show that the peaceful demonstration was not dispersed, but liquidated, destroyed, previously surrounding and depriving peaceful civilians of the opportunity to escape.
This is how the punishers and occupiers acted. That is how the fascists acted.

Using these tactics and inexplicable cruelty you have disgraced the memory of your fathers and grandfathers, you have lowered the honour of an officer, you have humiliated the law enforcement agencies, the entire Ukrainian government. You have driven a wedge, caused a wave of hatred between the citizens and the authorities, thus greatly complicating the situation in the country, letting down your commanders, making the political future of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief very difficult.

Every one of us can make a mistake. But not every shame can be washed away without blood.
I am aware that the command staff of the Berkut units were issued with service-issue weapons before their deployment to Kiev.
Use it properly!
The dispersal of the Maidan was already known in the morning.

Where is Rustam?

Where is Yanukovych?

You tell us where Yanukovych is.

He's not in Ukraine. He dumped the cops who held his power, and like a wizard in a blue helicopter "hutko znyk".

ZSY on the TV, the PR bosses are whistling that the Berkuts will be put on trial. It is clear that now the slogan "the police is with the people" is real, but not with the authorities who are leaking it to Berkut.

This leaves the "titushiki", from which Maidan will be blocked by the same Berkut, and the militants, lost among the people (left unattended), will make the seizure, especially since there will be no special resistance, the authorities are already packing their suitcases, the wives left on Tuesday.

So there is an impression that both the authorities and the opposition are reading the scenario from one leaf.

The dispersal of the Maidan was already known in the morning.

not about the crackdown

Yanukovych's chief of staff has resigned

a queue is lining up to distance himself from Ukraine's president

Rada will effectively stop working on Monday


Are you the one to tell us where Yanyk is?

He's not in Ukraine. He has leaked the cops on which his power was based, and like a wizard in a blue helicopter "hutko znyk".

picks a place near Moscow

not about the crackdown

Yanukovych's chief of staff has resigned

queue lined up to distance himself from Ukrainian president

Note, the resignation of the head of the AP was talked about on Shuster even before. Last night.
chooses a place near Moscow
Well, where else (no kidding)? There's really nowhere else.
Notice that the resignation of the head of the AP was talked about on Shuster's show even before. Last night.

Yes, it happened.

ZZY I posted a video on page1812, where Razumovsky mentioned Lyovochkin as well.

They're going to hang all the dogs on Vitya and eat him up.
They're going to hang all the dogs on Vitya and eat him up.
No. Don't. Let them hang the cats. And eat them.