Interesting and Humour - page 200


Which is worse/more oppressive?

1. Going to a mass gathering for 500 roubles and being on the street for 3-6 hours.

2. Selling your body for 5,000 rubles for 1 hour.

3. Eat dog poo for 50,000 for 2 minutes.

The terms are not clear. Why the fuck do you have to choose anything at all.

100,000 rallies of $1,000 each = $100,000,000

I would not just go, but I would agitate people too, if only Mr. Prezydent had 100 million less money :)

But seriously, all these rallies do not solve anything, it's all technology 4-5 years ago, they cannot change anything, not even the opinion of an ordinary man.

Let alone any political situation. So my advice is to go to all rallies where you get paid, take even crumbs from those who screwed you. Take the money and stick to your opinion.

That's how people get buried deeper. ))))
It's like they give 100p to vote for Zhirik =)

Which is worse/more oppressive?

1. Going to a crowd for 500 roubles and being outside for 3-6 hours.

2. Selling your body for 5,000 rubles for 1 hour.

3. Eat dog poo for 50,000 for 2 minutes.

Or for free, that is, for nothing, to kick the pussy of the person offering this choice )
The conditions are not clear. Why the fuck should one choose anything at all.
However, people, for some reason, have been choosing among these three options for ages, completely voluntarily and without compulsion.
Or for free, that is, for nothing, to kick the bugger who offered that choice.)
Yeah, a former colleague of mine used to say: "If you tell him to fuck off, he'll be offended, if you don't tell him to fuck off, his soul will be tormented". That's the eternal dilemma - make 'easy money' or keep your conscience and soul clean.

"The Lighthouse" 1929. Quiz with questions

1. What is the condition of the downstairs ceiling?
2. Are the tenants treating the floor correctly?
3. why is the room damp?
4. Is the telephone being handled correctly?
5. Which hygiene item indicates that one of the occupants is unhygienic?
6. Do the residents have a cultural attitude towards each other's work?
7. Is the labour code currently being violated in the room?
8. What physical education rule is being violated by the playmates?
9. Are books being used in the room?
10. Which room is surrendered against the 10% rule?
11. what is forbidden in the room?
12. How many occupants are in the room?
13. Is the house management aware of the disturbance in the room?
14. Does the housing association take care of the children?
15. Are the tenants good as gymnasts?
16. Are the tenants cultured electricians?
17. Which household item is not being used for its intended purpose?
18. Is the room ventilated frequently?
19. What rule of the game do the ping-pong players not follow?
20. What are the occupants stealing at the moment?


19. You can't hold on to a table

11. the iPad, clearly imported through grey channels


12. one who sits on the bed with his feet up. The woman does not live in the room. The two who play are also guests and have come to play ping-pong. There is only one bed in the room.

7. A woman is a guest worker, working for a pittance. Gender discrimination.