Interesting and Humour - page 839


What do you think the markings on the cab are for?

The answer is here.


In 2008, at the beginning of September, we were in Vienna's zoo. The best zoo I've ever seen. A lot of space for the animals! So vast that a leopard was fed to a live doe and he chased it for over a minute. I didn't get a chance to film it. The Europeans, who had gathered around the enclosure just for the occasion, were shouting loudly and approvingly

Here is my best shot from the Vienna zoo.

Translation from German

"Do you know why pandas usually turn their backs to you? Because it's unpleasant to be blinded by the flash."


Missed by me (maybe by someone else) the hilarious youtube bangers:


from the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and the Tugarin Serpent."

I'll cut off my braids and go to a monastery, a man's monastery!

Bogatyr, buy a horse!

That's our horse - he owes us money.


from the cartoon Blue Meteorite 1971

You'll grow up little by little,
You'll wear 10 pairs of galoshes,
You'll become an astronomer.


from the cartoon "Koloboks Investigation" 1986

Will I get one?
To you? They will...



from the cartoon Blue Meteorite 1971

You're growing up little by little,
You'll wear 10 pairs of galoshes,
You'll become an astronomer.

You don't have to read it, you have to hear it. Have you heard the lyrics? It's a song! Read by Maria Babanova

Somewhere in space
A blue meteorite
# You're walking
And it flies
You're running,
And it flies.
You fall,
But everything flies
In space
A meteorite.
You grow up little by little,
♪ You'll wear ten pairs of galoshes ♪
♪ Read a mountain of books ♪
♪ You'll be an astronomer ♪
♪ And one night ♪
You'll go to your acquaintance's house.
# Suddenly the loudspeaker
# The loudspeaker says
"A meteorite has fallen in the taiga."
The whole world is in uproar,
The world is buzzing:
- A meteorite has fallen in the taiga!
In the morning
You'll tell your friends
When you've said goodbye to the capital:
"I'm not coming to see you today,
I'm leaving at noon on my own
With one of my expeditions."

Smile, I can't bear to see your "sour face" )))))))