Interesting and Humour - page 85


The most interesting and humorous thing is that no one has sent you away yet, everyone is hanging in there.

Mischek is practically a mythological forum creature, "who's going to put him in jail, he's a monument" :o)

I barely knew about the stock exchange.

My mind was filled with questions.

There were only two questions.

How do I start? And where was I?

♪ I was gullible, I was young, I was stupid ♪

¶¶ With a little click here and there ¶¶

¶¶ I found the Forex Club ¶¶

♪ The door to all my dreams ♪

♪ It's so interesting, it's so creepy ♪

♪ Everyone's playing against everyone ♪

¶ I can fool the market ¶

¶ and I'll be a big success ¶

# They'll tell you what's what

¶ here's Murphy, Williams, read it ¶

¶ all the "why?" questions ¶

¶ Elder's the answer ¶ Go to .

¶ Bill Williams, the old charlatan ¶

♪ Fooled the children's brains ♪

# He's like an old fox, a shaitan #

Guru to the little guys.

"You ride the first wave

And you'll be happy, I'll give you that

"And to determine it.

Read my book."

I'll give you magic bullets

♪ So that you can shoot the marketplace ♪

♪ Read it and you'll be your own man ♪

♪ And director and God ♪

♪ But I never became God ♪

♪ I just added a load of trouble ♪

♪ 'Cause I've chosen with my heart ♪

Or with the wrong hemisphere.

♪ How to simplify this scheme ♪

♪ Tom Joseph told me ♪

"To make sure I don't miss a thing.

Fischer's got his hand in the mix.

# You do as we say

# Believe me, baby, there's no other way #

♪ Di Napoli said it all ♪

♪ Fibonacci numbers can do it all ♪

♪ I was hot, I was desperate, I was bold ♪

¶ I was eager to fight, to get in the game ¶

♪ Before I knew it I was hooked ♪

♪ I was hooked on the stock market ♪

♪ When I was a little bit of a whirlwind ♪

♪ I was a peacock's feather in the air ♪

♪ my uncle's dollars went up ♪

♪ I hurried to the game ♪

The bulls are on the horns

Bears pawing with their paws

The insider's knife hand

And sheep are crying out pitifully.

The huge market, like an elephant

Like a hoover sucking up dough.

Currency, futures, options

I've got to beat it.

¶ I'm dizzy with knowledge ¶

¶¶ To tell you the truth, my skull was crushing ¶¶

¶ two months of searching ¶

But I was still leaking.

♪ I've had my trouble and I've decided ♪

I'll never be happy again

And to save myself the trouble

I decided to buy some happiness.

And then Frankus came out of the ground

О! I'm a big expert

Buy my tests

I'm the best prognosticator

Listen to my trading plan

♪ here's the candles, here's the levels, here's the entry ♪

¶ And I didn't feel cheated ¶

¶ I believed him ¶ E-di-ot.

¶ I scratched my head, I wrinkled my brow ¶

I called myself a sheep

But I couldn't figure out

Where did I go wrong?

How could I be wrong?

♪ Frankus told me affectionately ♪

♪ You've screwed up the trade plan ♪

You're a disciplinarian!

What things have I not considered?

He slyly explained to me:

"you misinterpreted the candlestick combination


♪ and I was angry with him ♪

I wrote to the forum

But the moderator, damn it...

cut out my posts.

♪ I've been branded a disgrace ♪

Now I'm a bone in his throat.

What's he got against

with my simple-minded guest name?

I've realised I'm a fool.

But how do I stop being one?

What am I doing wrong?

What book should I buy?

And a voice inside asked.

¶ what do you want, figure it out ¶

¶ save your strength ¶

And take your time, make up your mind.

¶ so I don't lose my whole deposit ¶

¶ I thought I'd take a little break ¶

# Going to the local bars #

♪ To take my mind off things ♪

I've been drinking for two weeks...

♪ Cognac, girls, the goodness ♪

¶ I was still rattling around in my head ¶

♪ And I sat down to read again ♪

And my soul was racing off into the darkness...

To seek the Holy Grail

Lebo and Lucas and Demarque

And the rest of their crap.

Then there was Gallagher and Chand

Akelis, Andrews, Nyman was

And Schwager, a thick folio

Killed my whole month

I became a slouch, almost a hunchback.

I bought extra diopters for my glasses

And went on reading.

On the inflamed pupils

Momentum, Bolinger and MA

"and the mottled eyes were littered with...

"I read a lot of crap...

♪ I read that time ♪

The tenkan, the kinjun and the senkou-span

Golden, dead crosses

I thought Hosoda-san himself

winked at me from the darkness

It seemed like I was about to

My sorrows would dissipate

And finally, in spite of my enemies

♪ I'd find the Holy Grail ♪

♪ Alas and ah, it's all a muddle ♪

♪ From the bottom of those formulaic ideas ♪

♪ To get to the heart of the marketplace ♪

I started looking for other people.

Have the courage to be a pig

♪ George Soros the wise taught ♪

♪ About the reflexive mess of the world ♪

¶ he gave me the details ¶

¶ his "secrets of excellence" ¶

♪ Van Tharp told me in no uncertain terms ♪

♪ How the market makers' gang ♪

♪ how the market makers' gangs ♪

And Williams again, but a different one.

The goose is no brother to the swine.

He poked his long term hand

To a place of short selling.

That technical analysis is for suckers

Niederhoffer explained to me.

And about occasional fools.

Nassim Taleb explained.

I should have stopped by now,

♪ but I kept telling myself to fight ♪

♪ and I kept on reading ♪

And Vince reassured me.

♪ don't cross the market, son ♪

♪ he's like a dictator ruling the roost ♪

♪ And to save your capital ♪

♪ you got to follow the rules of MM ♪

♪ let every idiot know ♪

♪ the way Vince taught me ♪

"This is the kind of book that even an idiot can't lose.

"Even a complete moron can't do it with a book like this."

¶ I started trading again ¶

♪ And my account was growing ♪

♪ But the voice inside me ♪

♪ asked me a tricky question ♪

Who do you want to beat?

¶ Barclays or Solomon? ¶

♪ Or do you want to be a Soros ♪

¶ And make a billion? ¶

¶ you won't be happy for long ¶

♪ It's time to feed the moose ♪

¶¶ Leave your naive dreams behind ¶¶

¶ you can't play this game ¶

But I didn't listen to him

I'm an addict I'm addicted

There's only one thing I want

To stay in the game forever

I could rhyme lines

♪ Give the girls some sweet nonsense ♪

Who knows? If I push myself.

I might be a poet.

I'll say at the end for all the ignorant

"Blessed is he who believes in himself.

I've lost a lot of hope.

So who indeed am I?

♪ A little bear, a little bull ♪

♪ Sometimes I'm a pig ♪

I've learned a lot, I've learned a lot.

And I can't be a sheep anymore.

Perhaps someone

Will benefit from my lesson

And they'll leave this path,

And I'm turning on Metastock...

♪ My destiny, my judgment ♪

♪ I need to play hard to get ♪

♪ Maybe I'll be like Livermore ♪

♪ I'll say, "life's a mess" ♪

I look at myself with sadness

♪ I can't live without a game ♪

¶ and I nervously rub my mouse ¶

¶ I know ¶ I can't get off the needle.


About the 3D printer. If it is not a fake and the only difference is the material, which seems to be plastic, then with the low price of the printer in the long run, you can for example choose a new spatula for a Teflon frying pan, download the file and make it.

There's a lot to come up with )

Here comes the realization.

"The absolute record among 3D printers (meaning they are not only tangible in themselves but also print exactly the same tangible product) - $977 - belongs to this printer. The printer is capable of accurately reproducing small objects. And there's even a video of the process!"


Here comes the realization

"The all-time record among 3D printers (meaning that not only are they tangible in and of themselves, but they print exactly the same tangible product) - $977 - belongs to this one. The printer is capable of accurately reproducing small objects. And there's even a video capturing the making process!"

It's not a 3D printer, it's a milling machine. That's why it's cheap.