Interesting and Humour - page 1584

Chelyabinsk moderators are so harsh that they even ban their owncomments!
A big request! Students who study in medical schools, please study!


A neighbour came from the States and told me how she talked to a local in her school English. She said something about the clothes she made herself: "It's hand job! - It's handiwork! The American is embarrassed and can't understand what masturbation has to do with it. Then the difference between handjob and handmade was explained to her, she was glad she hadn't been accused of molestation.



Still a hand made job :) (they all get it).

Examples below (by Pava Kava, California)


shook sheen

R Butt

Hornet Obolensky, pour the wine

On the feces of passions

Alejandro, Alejandro,
This city (Los Angeles) is ours

In the furnace smouldering...


My tender and gentle dzmer
