Interesting and Humour - page 3450

Nikolay Kositsin:
In this world, the main terrorist is the US and all other terrorist gangs are irregular units of the US and the global parasite.
When are you going to get over it, sickie....
When are you going to get over it, sickie....
Dimon, you take care of your own illness first, or you won't be able to keep an eye on it! Tomorrow the USA will be wiped out and all the databases on sub-penins, including you, will be a member of the irregular terrorist army of the USA. They won't kill you, but they will certainly send you to Murmansk or Novaya Zemlya to exploit the riches of the Far North. It is nothing personal, just history repeats itself! It won't be long now.
Nikolay Kositsin:
Dimon, worry about your own illnesses first of all, or you may not be able to keep an eye on them! If the U.S. collapses tomorrow, and all databases on suspected terrorists, including you, are made public, then you will be a member of the irregular terrorist army of the United States. They won't kill you, but they will certainly send you to Murmansk or Novaya Zemlya to exploit the riches of the Far North. It is nothing personal, just history repeats itself! It won't be long now.

My "databases" for sending me to the Far North have long been in the public domain.

Nothing personal - I am a citizen of a neighbouring country


My "databases" for sending me to the Far North have long been in the public domain.

Nothing personal - I am a citizen of a neighbouring state

And there, not only their own scum, but other people's scum will be voluntarily forced to clean up the dumpsters of the world, if only there would be a reason to back it up, and they will find a big personal pile of shit for each scum. Globalization!
Nikolay Kositsin:
And there, they will force not only their own scum but also other people's scum to clean up the dumpsters of the world, as long as they have a reason to do it, and they will find a big personal pile of shit for each scum! Globalization!

I suggest that you give up the internet in order to fight the globalization of the pindos!


I suggest that in order to fight fiat globalisation, you give up the fiat internet!

Why would I do that? It's not forbidden to use your enemy's weapons to destroy them! That's very clever. I suppose this internet would have no problem being invented elsewhere if the planet didn't have this parasite genocidal high-tech capability in other countries.
Vitalie Postolache:

Nah, I mean this T-800, your version is too loud and massive ))))

And your version is quiet in general if you don't take into account explosions and murders))))
Nikolay Kositsin:
Why should that be? It is not forbidden to use their weapons to destroy the enemy! That's very clever. I suppose this internet would have no problem being invented elsewhere if the planet had not had this parasite genocidal high-tech capability in other countries.
And to refuse to use the fiat words when writing the codes that popularise the fiat currency trade?
Server Muradasilov:
From the look in her eyes, I can tell she's just had it and it wasn't easy for her