Interesting and Humour - page 3501


Give the dogs meat...

                 Vladimir Vysotsky Give the dogs meat - Maybe they'll fight. Give the hung-over dogs kvass - Maybe they'll be better off. To keep the crows fat - Put up more scarecrows. To love, give lovers a secluded corner. Throw some seeds in the ground - Maybe they'll sprout. Okay, I'll be docile - Give me my freedom!

      They gave meat to dogs, but the dogs didn't fight. They gave vodka to drunkards, but they refused. People scare crows, but crows are not afraid. Couples join together, but they should separate. They poured water on the ground, no ears, a miracle! I was set free yesterday, what will I do with it?
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Give the dogs meat...

Welcome back)))
Alexandr Saprykin:
Welcome back)))

:-))) amnestied


Just add mayonnaise )))

На автомобили без ЭРА-ГЛОНАСС перестанут выдавать ПТС после 1 января :: Autonews
На автомобили без ЭРА-ГЛОНАСС перестанут выдавать ПТС после 1 января :: Autonews
Запрет касается всех выпускаемых в обращение транспортных средств на территории России
What was he punished for?
Evgeny Belyaev:
What was it for?


And here's another marvellous series of articles from back in tsarist russia - I hope you don't get banned for historical ones.

Статья 58 Уголовного кодекса РСФСР (1938г) - Электронная Библиотека истории России
1. Контрреволюционные преступления 58-1. Контрреволюционным признается всякое действие, направленное к свержению, подрыву или ослаблению власти рабоче - крестьянских советов и избранных ими, на основании Конституции Союза ССР и конституций союзных республик, рабоче-крестьянских правительств Союза ССР, союзных и автономных республик или к...
Server Muradasilov:

Don't forget that there are different countries here and the tricolour icon next to the nickname does not give you affiliation to the Russian Federation.