Interesting and Humour - page 1739


You should have gone to the maths section. Leha would have calculated it all.

By the way, what book, where did you get it? Under which bush did you find it?

We did dominant and recessive in 7th or 8th grade.


You should have gone to the maths department. Leha would have calculated it all.

No, the math branch should be the one at the beginning:


The cat's swearing, I can hear it.


The cat's swearing, I can hear it.

(From a life like this, even hedgehogs will swear.)

No, that's no good, there's no link to the source.


Google it.

So: Tests, Papers, Blitz Questions in Biology: Grades 10-11. Aftar: Ildar Ramazanovich Mukhamedjanov

A placer of masterpieces:

Saving up money, I will buy up the circulation......


No, that's no good, there's no link to the source.


Google it.

So: Tests, Papers, Blitz Questions in Biology: Grades 10-11. Aftar: Ildar Ramazanovich Mukhamedjanov

A placer of masterpieces:

Saving up money, I will buy up the circulation......

Do you remember how to decide, I don't remember shit
Do you remember how to solve it, I don't remember shit.
Vaguely. But google can help even better. There are a couple of rules to learn, and then simple combinatorics.

I have already said that people are mutating ... We're being prepared for something ... everyone is so ugly, small and not modern at all ... especially the young people ... all like young old men and young old women ... they even walk like grasshoppers ... nightmare