Interesting and Humour - page 1859


My previous posts about Ukraine have been ripped off from Vitaly Tretyakov (sorry), so I'll quote this one as well (there are 22 comments on his so to speak provocative post):


Poles are already afraid that they (under the guise of joining the EU) will get not the whole Ukraine but only a part of it.
According to UNIAN's correspondent from Warsaw, Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski said on the Fakty po Faktach programme on the Polish TV channel TVN24 today:

"I consider the demand for the Ukrainian president's resignation a political mistake, because the president is the person who can decide on a coalition government or on the signing of the Association Agreement." Sikorski called on the opposition and the authorities for moderation and dialogue.


The Poles are already afraid that they (under the guise of joining the EU) will not get all of Ukraine, but only a part of it.

The Poles are already afraid that they (under the guise of joining the EU) will not get all of Ukraine, but only a part of it.

Sort of a presentation by the famous yussers - Pava Kava. An American living in California, Ukrainian by nationality. A man of special resonance thinking, fond of forex and Metatrader for more than 10 years. An exemplary family man and just a good guy. Widely known in narrow circles of English-speaking forex :)

By the way, that video about the ears is from him (the pictures here are also from him)

He is into a special kind of humour ... don't even know what to call it ... I campaigned him to publish a book, but he doesn't want to, thinking it's just bullshit ... but nevertheless - here are some of his mini-words :


Harass cop.

Score the cranes a joint

moon deer

A little slower Connie, a little slower

♪ yxa burn ♪

Don't look for the one in the clubs and bars. She's the one who sleeps at home at night. ¶¶ BREAK INTO HOUSES ¶¶

Don't get distracted by love

Lake Buy kal


My tender and gentle dzmer

If you don't have a Dog, it won't be poisoned... So sad.......


You don't even have a church there with the government


At the end of the assault, Putin will draw the appropriate conclusions for himself.

They, not us,

I think you're the only one left, not counting Yanukovych and Berkut ))

I think you're the only one left there, not counting Yanukovych and Berkut ))

let's go with the mantras)) - I'm not shitting, I'm not shitting... it's not me who's shitting, it's not me who's shitting...

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Пост о фейковых новостях и наивных хомяках
  • old_den
Вчера решил проверить, как пипл хавает вбросы. Нафотошопил подсветку статуи Свободы и Иисуса. Написал коротенький текст и запостил в Фейсбуке, ВКонтакте, Твиттере и ЖЖ. Ровно сутки и фоточка разошлась по сетям. В Фейсбуке более 400 репостов и более 200 лайков. В ВК почти 100 лайков и 20 репостов (не люблю я вконтакт. не умею им...

What are you talking about? Before the internet, it was the same, but with a voice in your ear.

Or didn't you know that either?