Interesting and Humour - page 2301


Google will reveal a major Android update tomorrow

Google's head of Chrome and Android, Sundar Pichai,told Bloomberg that the next version of Android will be demonstrated at the I/O developer conference tomorrow. Pichai argued that the company wants to be more transparent about its plans, rather than showing it now, when it will be officially released in the fall.

The new version of Android is likely to be revealed at the start of the conference - at 8pm Moscow time. What codename it bears is unknown, but we can assume it starts with the letter L, as Google gives all major Android releases names in alphabetical order (the last letter was K - KitKat). The first screenshots of Android L have alreadyappeared online. It's possible that a new device from the Nexus series will be shown at the same time as the operating system update, and it could be the impressively designedHTC Volantis tablet.
Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile
Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile
  • 2014.06.24
  • Brad Stone
At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January, introduced new software for its tablets, called the Magazine UX. This was a revamped interface that resembled the table of contents in a magazine, allowing users to click directly into videos and articles. Manufacturers often apply their own design flourishes to Android, and this one...
Continued by the famous blogger, renowned photographer and businessman Sergei Dol.

Now: Chusovoy and Nizhny Tagil

Full post here.


Chusovoy and Nizhny Tagil

Самое крутое здание в городе - у налоговой:

Read the full post here.

Министр финансов РФ: пенсионные деньги пошли на Крым
Министр финансов РФ: пенсионные деньги пошли на Крым
  • 2014.06.25
Правительство РФ не сможет вернуть пенсионные накопления россиян за 2014 год, так как эти деньги были потрачены на Крым, заявил министр финансов РФ Антон Силуанов. Об этом сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС. Фото: Алексей Дружинин / РИА Новости «Источников для этого нет. Никто не собирался эти...
Back to the future of lamps.
Вакуумный транзистор сможет преодолеть рубеж 1 ТГц
Вакуумный транзистор сможет преодолеть рубеж 1 ТГц
Во второй половине 20 века кремниевые транзисторы (MOSFET) полностью заменили радиолампы в электронных устройствах. Это вполне естественно, учитывая многочисленные преимущества полупроводников: миниатюрность, дешевизна, эффективность, прочность, надёжность, и самое главное — эффективный техпроцесс химического вытравливания транзисторов в...
Back to the future of tubes.
Shit, MOSFETs are field-effect switches, they couldn't replace lamps. Lamps were replaced by diodes and bipolar transistors.
10 algorithms that rule the world

No one today would underestimate the importance of algorithms in our everyday lives. Algorithms are all around us, finding us in bank branches and on dating sites. However, some of them play a far more important role than others: just ten algorithms actually rule the world today.

But before we start, a few words about what we mean here by the term 'algorithm'. The most common definition of algorithm, adopted in mathematics and computer science, boils down to the fact that it is a step-by-step sequence of calculations or a set of instructions describing the order of operations to solve a given problem or to achieve a certain result in a finite number of steps. It is in this very general sense that we will use the concept of algorithm in this article.

1. Google search

Facebook newsfeed 2.

3. Dating sites

4. Data collection, interpretation and encryption by intelligence agencies

5. This product is bought with.

6. Google AdWords

7. Algorithmic trading

Special algorithms for predicting changes of rates have long been used in financial markets, but today such technologies have become widely used in stock exchanges: they are called "algorithmic trading" or "high-frequency algorithmic trading". This is a type of automatic trading with the help of algorithmic bots, which can make decisions in a fraction of a second. To compare: it takes at least one second for a human to evaluate the situation and react to it.

As a result, living traders are increasingly being forced out by programs, which, however, are not perfect and can make mistakes. A well-known story is the "stock market crash" on May 6, 2010, when during just a few minutes of trading the Dow Jones index fell by one thousand points. No definitive reason for the collapse has ever been announced, but some experts believe it was caused by quote stuffing algorithms, which can automatically generate up to 5,000 bids per second, instantly littering the system.

8. MP3 audio compression algorithm


This algorithm does not yet rule the world, but apparently the wait is not long. More and more police departments in the US, Canada and some other countries are using the Criminal Reduction Utilising Statistical History (CRUSH) system, which has been tested for about four years, to predict when and where crimes may occur in the future. This software package actually copies an idea from the famous sci-fi movie Minority Report.

10. Autotune

We end our review with a joke, which, as usual, has its share of humour. The Auto-Tune technology developed in its time by Antares for computer processing of voices and monophonic instruments gains more and more popularity among singers and musicians all over the world. Its idea is to "pull up" falsified sound to the nearest semitone, depending on given parameters (major/minor, hard, soft and unnoticeable processing, etc).

The first popular song to use auto-tune was American singer Cher's Believe, and here the effect was deliberately crafted to be brutal.

How algorithms rule the world
How algorithms rule the world
  • Leo Hickman
On 4 August 2005, the police department of Memphis, Tennessee, made so many arrests over a three-hour period that it ran out of vehicles to transport the detainees to jail. Three days later, 1,200 people had been arrested across the city – a new police department record. Operation Blue Crush was hailed a huge success. Larry Godwin, the city's...

Just a cat.

В Сыктывкаре пиццу начали доставлять беспилотниками. ВИДЕО
В Сыктывкаре пиццу начали доставлять беспилотниками. ВИДЕО
  • 2014.06.25
МОСКВА, 25 июн — РИА Новости. Сыктывкарская пиццерия "Додо Пицца" по желанию клиента теперь доставляет ему заказ с помощью коптера — специального беспилотного летательного аппарата, передает портал FlashNord. Клиенту достаточно сделать заказ по телефону или через Интернет. Через некоторое время он получает звонок от менеджера и выходит...
Oh! It is not a good thing! Even in the military field there is a huge percentage of losses by drones even without direct military action! And what will happen in crowded cities is scary to imagine! When pigeon feces fall on your head, you can bear it, but when all sorts of crap falls down, they'll shut it down fast!