Interesting and Humour - page 4467

Yuriy Zaytsev:

At first glance, I didn't even realise)))

It's hilarious.


Diary entry. "Your son was fighting at recess again today. I bet on him and won 50 roubles. Thank you."


Parenting advice is extremely difficult to give, but one ancient wisdom should always be remembered: "The strictest parents bring up the most skilled liars.


It was December 31st. Ten o'clock in the evening. We're going out to celebrate the New Year. We were carrying three decent bags of, you know, stuff. And, of course, we're not quite sober ourselves. Only five minutes to go, we are already anticipating fun, and suddenly... A police car pulls up ten metres away. A sergeant got out and headed straight for us. Of course I was thinking very gloomily - at best I was going to get a few quid, at worst I would see the New Year in the police station. What a way to celebrate... The sergeant comes up:

- Put the bags down! - We dutifully put the bags on the snow. To my friend:

- Put out your hands, - he puts out his hands.

- Handful! - he folds his hands in a handful in surprise. The sergeant reaches into his pocket and pours a handful of sweets into his hands. Then he turns around and walks towards the car. From the car he turns around and says:

- Well, you're expecting some kind of miracle on New Year's Eve!


but it's all a fairy tale!

Years have passed since the heroic deed of Boychish-Kibalchish.

Everyone has forgotten about him: steamships don't buzz, planes don't flap their wings, pioneers don't salute...

Sometimes Bad Boy only drives up in a 600-meter Mercedes. He'll stand there, have a smoke and say: "You had your chance, kid!"

Denis Sartakov:

but it's all a fairy tale!

Years have passed since the heroic deed of Boychish-Kibalchish.

Everyone has forgotten about him: steamships don't buzz, planes don't flap their wings, pioneers don't salute...

Sometimes Bad Boy only drives up in a 600-meter Mercedes. He'll stand there, have a smoke and say: "You had your chance, kid!"

It's not that simple, the idea of an eternal return: time in its infinite flow, at certain periods, must inevitably repeat the same state of things. Like Napalion))
Denis Sartakov:

but it's all a fairy tale!

Years have passed since the heroic deed of Boychish-Kibalchish.

Everyone has forgotten about him: steamships don't buzz, planes don't flap their wings, pioneers don't salute...

Sometimes Bad Boy only drives up in a 600-meter Mercedes. He'll stand there, have a smoke and say: "You had your chance, kid!"

The Bad Boy was the grandson of Arkady Gaidar himself, but he (the grandson) died a long time ago too, and young. It seems to me that the grandfather could not bear the shame and reached out his bony hand from the grave and strangled him.

Some analysis of this neo-myth about Malchish-Kibalchish shows that it is fundamentally linked to ancient mythology and the archetypes in it are exactly the same as in antiquity were

the eternal themes - the arch-villain, the heroic epic, sacrifice and sacrifice (you can't do without it!) and the cosmic drama with sacral attributes

the confrontation between some forces of darkness/ancient dragon/primitive chaos and a cultural hero is repeated from story to story

in fact, much of mythology and literature is built around these archetypes

and although myths usually end in a victory of the "good" forces, the "enemy" always remains at some deep metaphysical level, either explicitly or implicitly

it is necessary to say that monotheism (for example, the Revelation of John) and communism as a religion (heroic stories) try to break the cyclic time and as if to fix their victory forever

hence the pathos ending with affirmations and the hero becomes an eternal deity.

but in practice the world still remains cyclical and the ancient pagan archetypes constantly re-emerge in new forms

Moreover, after a while it becomes hard to distinguish who is a true believer and who is an enemy (in the end it is all enemies, or it depends on the point of view).

there are also very deep connections to the underworld and the cult of ancestors, but i'm afraid to broach the subject as it's too sensitive today...

Художественные практики соцреализма :: Хрестоматия :: Раздел 2. "Революция чувств": советский человек как культурно-антропологическая реальность :: Тема 5. Экзистенциальные проблемы советского человека :: Чернов Л.С. Сказка и миф: "Три медведя...
Чернов Л.С. Сказка и миф: "Три медведя" и "Военная тайна" * * * * * /…/ Краткий пересказ и анализ повести «Военная тайна», в которую входит сказка о «Мальчише-Кибальчише». Сейчас эта повесть мало известна. Однако, сказка о Мальчише, которая полностью называется так: «Сказка о Военной Тайне, о Мальчише - Кибальчише и его твёрдом слове», будет...

Some analysis of this neo-myth about Malchish-Kibalchish shows that it is fundamentally linked to ancient mythology and the archetypes in it are exactly the same as in antiquity were

This is only a plus for Arkady Gaidar as an artist. The use of archetypes enhances the impact of the work, which had, above all, an educational purpose.


Some analysis of this neo-myth about Malchish-Kibalchish shows that it is fundamentally linked to ancient mythology and the archetypes in it are exactly the same as in antiquity were

the eternal themes - the arch-villain, the heroic epic, sacrifice and sacrifice (you can't do without it!) and the cosmic drama with sacral attributes

the confrontation between some forces of darkness/ancient dragon/primitive chaos and a cultural hero is repeated from story to story

in fact, much of mythology and literature is built around these archetypes

and although myths usually end in a victory of the "good" forces, the "enemy" always remains at some deep metaphysical level, either explicitly or implicitly

it is necessary to say that monotheism (for example, the Revelation of John) and communism as a religion (heroic stories) try to break the cyclic time and as if to fix their victory forever

hence the pathos ending with affirmations and the hero becomes an eternal deity.

but in practice the world still remains cyclical and the ancient pagan archetypes constantly re-emerge in new forms

Moreover, after a while it becomes hard to distinguish who is a true believer and who is an enemy (in the end it is all enemies, or it depends on the point of view).

There are also very deep connections to the afterlife and the cult of ancestors, but I'm afraid to broach the subject as it's too sensitive today...

At all times ideology has been divided by a boundary into supporters and opponents. Black and white. The good and the bad.

Even if the ideology of the state changes, the composition of supporters and opponents does not change strictly to the opposite, but is divided into a different composition. 25% of each group will remain in the previous composition. For me the prime example is Nevzorov. Always against everyone and everything except horses).